

Collision Detection Benchmarks [WIP]

This repo contains the benchmarks for the paper "Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective" published at RSS 2022. You can find the paper here and the project page here. There are two main benchmarks: the ellipsoid benchmark (strictly-convex shapes) and the convex mesh benchmark (non-strictly convex shapes), which are intended to compare the GJK algorithm and our method: Nesterov accelerated GJK.

These benchmarks call the HPPFCL C++ library in which both GJK and Nesterov-accelerated GJK are implemented.

For prototyping, we have also reimplemented GJK and Nesterov-accelerated GJK in Python.


To make the install easy, we recommend using conda to isolate the required packages needed to run the benchmarks from your system.

This was succesfully installed and tested on Manjaro 5.15.50 and Ubuntu 20.04. The tested compilers were g++ version 9.4.0 and 12.1.0 and clang++ version 13.0.1. The required version for eigen is 3.4.0.

ShapeNet download

Please visit https://shapenet.org. Download ShapeNetCore.v2 and place it in exp/shapenet/data.

To generate a subset of ShapeNet to run the benchmarks, run python exp/shapenet/generate_subshapenet.py

Quick benchmarks:

To launch a quick benchmark:

The param --opts can be:

To compare the performances between Nesterov-accelerated GJK and vanilla GJK, we measure both the performance on boolean collision detection and distance computation.

We thus measure the following metrics for distance computation:

Large benchmarks:

The plots from the paper where obtained from the following benchmarks. You will need to have pandas to save results to .csv files and jupyter to plot the results: conda install pandas jupyterlab

1 - Ellipsoids

Citing this repo

To cite Nesterov accelerated GJK and/or the associated benchmarks, please use the following bibtex lines:

  title = {Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective},
  author = {Montaut, Louis and Le Lidec, Quentin and Petrik, Vladimir and Sivic, Josef and Carpentier, Justin},
  booktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems},
  year = {2022}