

What Do Single-view 3D Reconstruction Networks Learn?


Evaluation and visualization code accompanying the CVPR'19 paper "What Do Single-view 3D Reconstruction Networks Learn?" by M. Tatarchenko*, S. R. Richter*, R. Ranftl, Z. Li, V. Koltun, and T. Brox (*indicates equal contribution).



We provide multiple data modalities used for the viewer-centered experiments in our paper: voxel grids, point clouds, renderings and train/test splits.

To run the F-score evaluation code, you will only need the point clouds and the train/test splits. Unpack the archives into your desired location and update the BASE_DATA_PATH variable in the path_config.py file with this location. The resulting structure of your data folder should look like


F-score evalution

You can evaluate the predictions of your method by running

$ python eval.py --pr_path path_to_your_predictions

The path_to_your_predictions folder should contain the .ply point clouds organized in the same structure as the data/points/ folder. By default, the F-score is calculated with the same threshold values as in the paper. If you want use a different threshold, you can do so by providing a --th parameter to the script. You can also specify the desired location for the results by setting the --out_path parameter. If you do not do it, the results will be stored in the fscore folder.

If you want to evaluate the F-score for voxel grids, you need to first convert them into point clouds. There is a function voxel_grid_to_mesh in util.py which converts a voxel grid represented as a numpy array into an Open3D TriangleMesh. After this, you can sample the desired number of points from the mesh using the built-in Open3D functionality.

Precision/recall visualization


You can produce the precision/recall visualizations of your reconstructions similar to the one above by running

$ python vis.py --gt path_to_gt_cloud.ply --pr path_to_pr_cloud.ply

Point color denotes the point-to-point distance ranging from low (white) to high (black). By default the scaling of the color map is determined automatically based on the maximum point-to-point distance between the two point clouds. Instead, you can additionally pass the --th parameter to the script. Its value will be used both as a maximum distance for color map scaling and as a threshold for F-score computation.


If you use our code for your research, please cite the following papers

	author    = {Maxim Tatarchenko* and Stephan R. Richter* and René Ranftl and Zhuwen Li and Vladlen Koltun and Thomas Brox},
	title     = {What Do Single-view 3D Reconstruction Networks Learn?},
	journal   = {CVPR},
	year      = {2019}

	author    = {Qian-Yi Zhou and Jaesik Park and Vladlen Koltun},
	title     = {{Open3D}: {A} Modern Library for {3D} Data Processing},
	journal   = {arXiv:1801.09847},
	year      = {2018}