Scrapes genebanks websites to fetch accession data and then puts them in a CouchDB database.
Depends on:
- node.js (of course)
- node-scraper
- node-couchdb
You can install these using npm
Each <center>.js
file should be used on its own, such as:
node iita.js <couch-username> <couch-password> <link-of-next-page>
node ciat.js <couch-username> <couch-password> <offset>
The 3rd parameter changes based on the center. Simply look in it to figure out what's going on.
The main.js
coordinates the spawning of these process, it creates them recursively so you don't have to run them yourself for each page.
Some centers, like ciat, need a session cookie in order to be able to scrape data.