

LLVM Haskell Examples

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Simple examples demonstrating the usage of the llvm-hs for generating and manipulating LLVM from Haskell.

These examples require LLVM 9.0. Check that your installed LLVM version is precisely 9.0. If not then follow the install directions in the llvm-hs repository.

$ llvm-config --version

To run the examples with Stack:

$ stack exec basic
$ stack exec orc
$ stack exec arith
$ stack exec irbuilder

To load the examples in GHCI:

$ stack repl examples:basic
$ stack repl examples:orc
$ stack repl examples:arith
$ stack repl examples:irbuilder

To run the examples with Cabal:

$ cabal run basic
$ cabal run orc
$ cabal run arith
$ cabal run irbuilder


MIT License Copyright (c) 2017-2020, Stephen Diehl