


Reverse socks5 tunneler with SSL and proxy support Based on https://github.com/brimstone/rsocks


0) Generate self-signed certificate with openssl: openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 -nodes
1) Start on VPS: rsockstun -listen :8443 -socks -cert cert  
2) Start on client: rsockstun -connect clientIP:8443
3) Connect to on the VPS with any socks5 client.
4) Enjoy. :]

Add params:
 -proxy - connect via proxy
 -proxyauth Domain/username:password  - proxy creds
 -proxytimeout 2000 - server and clients will wait for 2000 msec for proxy connections... (Sometime it should be up to 4000...)
 -useragent "Internet Explorer 9.99" - User-Agent used in proxy connection (sometimes it is usefull)
 -pass Password12345 - challenge password between client and server (if not match - server reply 301 redirect)
 -recn - reconnect times number. Default is 3. If 0 - infinite reconnection
 -rect - time delay in secs between reconnection attempts. Default is 30

Compile and Installation:

Linux VPS
- install Golang: apt install golang
- export GOPATH=~/go
- go get github.com/hashicorp/yamux
- go get github.com/armon/go-socks5
- go get github.com/ThomsonReutersEikon/go-ntlm/ntlm
- go build
./rsockstun -listen :8443 -socks -cert cert -agentpassword Password1234

Windows client:
- download and install golang
- go get github.com/hashicorp/yamux
- go get github.com/armon/go-socks5
- go get github.com/ThomsonReutersEikon/go-ntlm/ntlm
If you want to use proxy NTLM auth - patch go-ntlm\ntlm\payload.go packet:
	bytes := utf16FromString(value) -> bytes := []byte(value)
	p.Type = UnicodeStringPayload   -> p.Type = OemStringPayload
- go build
optional: to build as Windows GUI: go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui
optional: to compress exe - use any exe packer, ex: UPX
rsockstun.exe -connect clientIP:8443 -agentpassword Password1234 -proxy proxy.domain.local:3128 -proxyauth Domain\userpame:userpass -useragent "Mozilla 5.0/IE Windows 10"

Client connects to server and send agentpassword to authorize on server. If server does not receive agentpassword or reveive wrong pass from client (for example if spider or client browser connects to server ) then it send HTTP 301 redirect code to www.microsoft.com