


A Slack chatbot


At the moment, I consider limbo to be feature complete, and the project is in maintenance mode. Every once in a while I come in and update the dependencies.

Contributions will be considered and may be accepted, you may want to email me because I might not notice your PR.

Python Versions

At the moment, this software only officially supports python >=3.10, because the test fixtures fail on older versions of python due to an urllib3 inconsistency I don't understand.

It should still run on other versions of python, but for the moment they're unfortunately not tested.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a bot user if you don't have one yet, and copy the API Token
  3. export SLACK_TOKEN="your-api-token"
  4. make run (or make repl for local testing)
  5. Invite Limbo into any channels you want it in, or just message it in #general. Try typing !gif dubstep cat to test it out

kitten mittens

I recommend that you always run limbo in a virtualenv so that you are running in a clean environment.

Command Arguments

Environment Variables

Note that if you are getting an error message about not seeing environment variables, you may be running limbo as sudo, which will clear the environment. Use a virtualenv and always run limbo as a user process!


It's super easy to add your own commands! Just create a python file in the plugins directory with an on_message function that returns a string.

You can use the !help command to print out all available commands and a brief help message about them. !help <plugin> will return just the help for a particular plugin.

By default, plugins won't react to messages from other bots (just messages from humans). Define an on_bot_message function to handle bot messages too. See the example plugins for an easy way to define these functions.

These are the current default plugins:
