

Light Entity Card

Control any light/switch entity through lovelace


For help, visit the light entity support thread here

<img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ljmerza/light-entity-card/master/card.png' />

GitHub Release License Project Maintenance hacs_badge



Add through HACS

Issues with the installation should be asked in the Home Asssitant forums


type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.downstairs
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.downstairs
  - effect1
  - effect2
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.downstairs
effects_list: input_select.custom_effect_list
type: custom:light-entity-card
entity: light.downstairs
group: true


NameTypeRequirementDefault value Description
entitystringRequiredThe entity name of the light entity to control
shorten_cardsbooleanOptionalfalse show a compact version of the card
consolidate_entitiesbooleanOptionalfalse if entity is a group you can consolidate all entities into one
persist_featuresbooleanOptionalfalse always show entity features
effects_listlist/string/booleanOptionalcustom list of effects, an input_select entity, or set false to always hide
headerstringOptionalcustom header name
hide_headerbooleanOptionalfalse hides the entity header of the card including toggle
show_header_iconbooleanOptionalfalse shows the entity icon of the card including toggle
brightnessbooleanOptionaltrue show brightness slider if available
color_tempbooleanOptionaltrue show color temp slider if available
white_valuebooleanOptionaltrue show white value slider if available
color_pickerbooleanOptionaltrue show color picker wheel if available
speedbooleanOptionalfalse show speed slider if available
intensitybooleanOptionalfalse show intensity slider if available
force_featuresbooleanOptionalfalse force showing all features in card
full_width_slidersbooleanOptionalfalse makes slider the full width of card
brightness_iconstringOptionalweather-sunny change the brightness slider icon
white_iconstringOptionalfile-word-box change the white slider icon
temperature_iconstringOptionalthermometer change the temperature slider icon
speed_iconstringOptionalspeedometer change the speed slider icon
intensity_iconstringOptionaltransit-connection-horizontal change the intensity slider icon
show_slider_percentbooleanOptionalfalse show percent next to sliders
child_cardbooleanOptionalfalse remove padding/margin to make this card within another card

Enjoy my card? Help me out for a couple of :beers: or a :coffee:!
