A Sketch plugin that updates copy based on selected JSON
- Download the latest release of the plugin
- Un-zip
- Double-click on copy-updater.sketchplugin
How to use
<ul> <li><a href="#1-link--pull">1. Link & Pull</a></li> <li><a href="#2-generate--push">2. Generate & Push</a></li> <li><a href="#3-check">3. Check</a></li> <li><a href="#4-truncation">4. Truncation</a></li> <li><a href="#5-generate-excel">5. Generate Excel</a></li> <li><a href="#6-remove-key">6. Remove Key</a></li> </ul>1. Link & Pull
Use @ to assign a key. The corresponding value will be retrieved after an update.
For text: use @your_key as content
For symbol and nested symbol: use @your_key as its override value
<img src="./instructions/pullDemo.gif" alt="Pull Demo" width="800">
2. Generate & Push
You can either generate a JSON file from selected elements or push updated texts to a linked JSON.
<img src="./instructions/pushDemo.gif" alt="Push Demo" width="800">3. Check
Use Check to scan every editable text area, compares them with the linked JSON file, and list all unsynced strings for you to decide to pull or push.
<img src="./instructions/checkDemo.gif" alt="Check Demo" width="800">4. Truncation
Use | to specify character count
- |n: Truncate text into n number of characters
- |n...: Truncate text into n number of characters and add ... at the end
- |...n: Truncate text into n number of characters and add ... in the middle
<img src="./instructions/truncationDemo.gif" alt="Truncation Demo" width="800">
5. Generate Excel
Use Generate Excel to export selected artboards and the corresponding text into an Excel file. Use settings to modify the export range, layout orientations, and the visibility of a copy revision column.
<img src="./instructions/exportDemo.gif" alt="Truncation Demo" width="800">6. Remove key
use -@ to remove a key
The new_value will be used as its text and the old @your_key will be removed.
For text: use -@new_value as content
For symbol and nested symbol: use -@new_value as its override value
"header": "This is a header",
"intro1": {
"title": "Intro 1",
"body": "This is body copy for intro 1"
"intro2": {
"title": "Intro 2",
"body": "This is body copy for intro 2"
Sketch File
Textlayer (text): @header
Intro Symbol 1 (override value): @intro1.title, @intro1.body|20...
Intro Symbol 2 (override value): @intro2.title, @intro2.body|...20
On The Screen
This is a header
This is body copy fo...
This is bo...or intro 2