

<p align="center"> <img width="170" src="/images/logo.png" /> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="400" src="/images/noctisLogo.png" /> </p>

Noctis is a collection of light & dark themes with a well balanced blend of warm and cold medium contrast colors.

The theme is designed to:

Noctis comes in 11 versions, 8 are dark and 3 are light.

<div align="center">

The font used in screenshots is called Cartograph CF


Noctis Screenshot

Noctis Azureus

Noctis Azureus Screenshot

Noctis Bordo

Noctis Bordo Screenshot

Noctis Minimus

Noctis Minimus Screenshot

Noctis Uva

Noctis Uva Screenshot

Noctis Viola

Noctis Viola Screenshot

Noctis Lux

Noctis Lux Screenshot

Noctis Lilac

Noctis Lilac Screenshot

Noctis Hibernus

Noctis Hibernus Screenshot


Supported Languages

I plan on adding support for new languages in the upcoming releases. Please feel free to open an issue if you'd like a new language supported or if you think something is off.

Syntax colors

The color names were matched using the excellent online tools Name that Color and Color Name & Hue

Standard Colors

ColorHex CodeUsed for:
Eucalyptus#49e9a6 #49e9a6Strings
Mountain Meadow#16b673 #16b673Interpolated Strings
Horizon#5b858b #5b858bComments
Eastern Blue#16a3b6 #16a3b6Function Calls
Turcoise#49d6e9 #49d6e9Method Calls
Picton Blue#49ace9 #49ace9Code that needs to stand out
Cornflower Blue#7060eb #7060ebNumbers & Booleans
Pale Violet Red#df769b #df769bKeywords & Operators
Cinnabar#e66533 #e66533Function & Variable Declaration, Tags & this
Japonica#d67e5c #d67e5cObject properties, ID selectors in CSS & Type annotations
Galliano#d5971a #d5971aAttributes, Constants
Gold Sand#e4b781 #e4b781Variables & Parameters


Noctis can be installed by clicking on Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows or ⇧ + ⌘ + X on Mac and then searching for "Noctis".

How to contribute

Beginning with v7.21.0 the theme building process has been simplified. I started off with the idea used in Lucy theme and came up with this theme generator powered by Node.js. This will allow me or any contributor to easily add/suggest new theme variants or changes to the existing ones. In ./src/ folder you will find:

After you make a change in any of the above files you need to use npm run build command. The build output folder is ./themes/

Happy hacking!


Matteo CampinotiMatteo Campinoti
Dang Trung KienDang Trung Kien
Dustin BeecherDustin Beecher
Jatin SanghviJatin Sanghvi
Zane D. PurvisZane D. Purvis


This theme was inspired by the themes VS Dark, Solarized, Vue, Cobalt2, One Dark, Dracula, Pure Syntax and many others.