

#Playing with Swift Date

This project is aimed to show the basic use of Swift Date class. The contents are an implementation of AppCoda's tutorial. See http://www.appcoda.com/nsdate/ for details.

All the codes are tested on XCode 7.2 Swift 2.1.1 playground.

The prject contains the uses of following classes or enums or structs:

I'm an open source project beginner and very interest in the open source community. I hope I can be one of them and am pretty likely to communicate with anyone who are already one of them. Please, please contact me if you have any suggestion. My Email: liuyubobobo@gmail.com :)

##Part I : Using NSDate and NSDateFormatter

##PART II : Using NSDateComponents

##PART III : Comparing Date and Time

##PART IV : Calculating Future and Past Dates

##PART V : Calculating Date Difference