

2D GANs Meet Unsupervised Single-View 3D Reconstruction

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022). [Arxiv, PDF, Supp, Project]

Feng Liu, Xiaoming Liu

We propose a novel image-conditioned neural implicit field, which can leverage 2D supervisions from GAN-generated multi-view images and perform the single-view reconstruction of generic objects. Firstly, a novel offline StyleGAN-based generator is presented to generate plausible pseudo images with full control over the viewpoint. Then, we propose to utilize a neural implicit function, along with a differentiable renderer to learn 3D geometry from pseudo images with object masks and rough pose initializations. To further detect the unreliable supervisions, we introduce a novel uncertainty module to predict uncertainty maps, which remedy the negative effect of uncertain regions in pseudo images, leading to a better reconstruction performance. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through superior single-view 3D reconstruction results of generic objects.


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title={2D GANs Meet Unsupervised Single-View 3D Reconstruction},
author={Liu, Feng and Liu, Xiaoming},


Our implementation is heavily built upon idr. If you find our work useful, please also consider to cite this paper.


MIT License


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