

Kopo Cli ๐Ÿถ

A Deno registry browser in the terminal

deno badge nest badge



kopo is a cli tool, which helps you browse the Deno registries in your terminal in an easy, nicely presented way.

It supports deno.land/x and x.nest.land by default, but also enables you to use addons, to access different registries.


kopo is intended to be as an installed user script. For that, run:

deno install --unstable --allow-net -f --name kopo --location https://kopo.mod.land https://deno.land/x/kopo@v0.1.1/mod.ts

To just try it out, run the following command:

deno run --unstable --allow-net --location https://kopo.mod.land https://deno.land/x/kopo@v0.1.1/mod.ts


kopo's features can be accessed in two may separate ways.

As an app

If installed with the command above, you simply need to issue the kopo command in your terminal, than the main menu should appear:


After that, you can navigate the menu using the <kbd>โ†‘</kbd> <kbd>โ†“</kbd> or <kbd>w</kbd> <kbd>s</kbd> buttons. (On windows you can't use the arrows currently :/ issue)


Select one from the enabled registries, than browse the paginated modules list or search for a term.



Issue a global search in all registries.


Use the @ and a version to search for a specific version, like kopo@v0.0.2. If the search term isn't a modules name, you can search the registries for that term with the options at the bottom.

Module info

After you select a module, you will see it's info:


From here, you can print it's README as a formatted MarkDown(using charmd) if one was found for it, get details about its flags, see other versions of it or see which other registries have this module registered.


If the --location flag was provided, you can access the settings, where you can tailor some features to your likings:


As a CLI tool

๐Ÿšง The API needs work, so it's bound to be changed ๐Ÿšง


Your starting point is:

kopo search

Without any following parameters, the search menu will pop up for you.

If you want to search for a specific search term eg charmd issue:

kopo search charmd

If you know the module's name you are searching for add --exact or -e flag.

kopo search kopo -e

This will get the first exact match from the first registry and display the modules info for you. Also, you can add -v [exact version] to get a specific version of the module.

If you have -e you can add --readme or --read-raw so the modules README will be printed instead.

kopo search charmd -e --readme

Adding --flags will print the module's flags described in the readme if found.

kopo search kopo -e --flags

Adding --json flag for any of the above commands, will result in a formatted json output, instead of formatted text.

kopo search charmd -e --json


You can export or import your settings which are stored in localStorage.

If --allow-read and --allow-write flags are not provided at install, the script will request it in runtime.

kopo settings export settings.json
kopo settings import settings.json

Registries and Addons

Currently deno.land/x and x.nest.land is supported by default. However, you can use addons to integrate with other, not yet supported or private registries.

For this, first you need to have path (remote or local) to the registry addon, which should extend the Registry class. (example)

With that, you can add this path to your exported settings json and import it back into the app or use the -r flag for any of the commands.

<details> <summary>settings.json</summary>
        "key": "registry_addons",
        "value": [

This flag will override which registries kopo will use during its runtime.

kopo -r deno,nest,https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/kopo-cli/remaster/examples/example_registry_addon.ts

Use file:/// prefix for any local files: file:///C:/example.ts

If the -r flag is used, no registry, that is not defined will be accessible. Also, if -r is not used, you can enable/disable your builtin and through settings added registries in the application.

For example, if you want to search only the nest registry you can use:

kopo search kopo -e -r nest --readme

๐Ÿšฉ Flags

๐Ÿšง This is just an experimental feature currently ๐Ÿšง

This proposes a concept, where each module describes what its required and optional flags are in a parseable way.

How it works

The parser is here

Currently it searches for markdown table rows, which contain 2 or 3 columns.

A table could look something like this:

๐Ÿšง --unstable*Needed for Cliffy to work
๐ŸŒ --allow-net*To fetch data from the repos
๐Ÿ”ฐ --locationTo save settings. https://kopo.mod.land
๐Ÿ” --allow-read_Needed for cache info
๐Ÿ’พ --allow-write_Save favourites
โฑ --allow-hrtime_Allows precise benchmarking
โš  --allow-run_Needed for feature x
๐Ÿงญ --allow-env_Needed to access your ENV
๐Ÿงฉ --allow-plugin_Deprecated Old plugin system
๐Ÿงฉ --allow-ffi_For Deno plugin system
๐Ÿ”ฎ --allow-all_It should never be required

Also keep in mind, that you can hide this inside a comment if you dont find a proper place for it in your readme, inside the <!-- --> tags, but than only the tools processing your readme can see it.

Testing your file for flags

There is a small util that you can use to test your file for the flags. It can be found here.

To use it simply run:

deno run --allow-read https://deno.land/x/kopo@v0.1.1/flag_checker.ts ./README.md

or for remote files:

deno run --allow-net https://deno.land/x/kopo@v0.1.1/flag_checker.ts https://raw.githubusercontent.com/littletof/kopo-cli/master/README.md


Issues, pull requests and feedback are always welcome.



Copyright 2020- Szalay Kristรณf. All rights reserved. MIT license.