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Django Storage Backend on Google Cloud Storage with gcloud-python.

This storage backend allows you to store your static content to Google Cloud Storage in your Django app, by using the latest python wrapper from Google, gcloud-python.


Currently you have to install it manually due to active development, I haven't publish it onto pip yet.

git clone https://github.com/littleq0903/django-gcloud-storage.git
cd django-gcloud-storage
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Install to Your Django App

To enable this as your default file storage backend, you have to specify django_gcs as your default storage backend.

# .../settings.py


DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django_gcs.storage.GoogleCloudStorage'

Then you're all set, Django will start storing static content into Google Cloud Storage instead of local storage.


Disclaimer: This is project is under very first stage and active development, feedback and PRs are welcome.
