

  ____                            _   
 / ___|___  _ __  _   _  ___ __ _| |_ 
| |   / _ \| '_ \| | | |/ __/ _` | __|
| |__| (_) | |_) | |_| | (_| (_| | |_ 
 \____\___/| .__/ \__, |\___\__,_|\__|
           |_|    |___/               

Command-line based clipboard tool for every command-line Ninja


This is a clipboard tool for command-line heavy users, especially the users who are using only console mode in daily life. Traditional clipboard stores only 1 value at the same time, copycat doesn't but store as many as you could. (if you remember their name), you could store 1 value into your system clipboard(anonymously) or store many named records.

System Requirement.

(P.S. This script will only work on Macintosh system for now, because the concept of it is using this command to operate clipboard: pbcopy.)


  1. pyclip-copycat by @georgefs
  2. clime by @moskytw


  1. Clone this project into your computer or download it directly. git clone https://github.com/georgefs/copycat.git
  2. python install setup.py install
  3. Restart your terminal, and enjoy.


###command line support

###python method

import copycat
copycat.copy(value='value', name='name')

###command line advance

copycat ls
cmd=`copycat -p`

linux like


Contributions are welcome, just send me your pull request and briefly describe what have you done!