


This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation of the paper "Conditional Channel Gated Networks for Task-Aware Continual Learning" by Abati et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.00070).

At the moment, the code implements the task-incremental setting only. I have put some work into implementing class-incremental setup, but it is not finished yet.

I have tried to follow the paper as close as possible, but maybe there are some details I missed/got wrong. So please use this implementation with care and feel free to ask questions and open PRs.


The rest required modules are listed in requirements.txt

How to run

  1. Set up a proper configuration by editing config/cfg.py

  2. Run the following command to train the model

make train

  1. All tensorboard logs, checkpoints, and task-incremental accuracies will be stored in results/experiment_tag

To visualize the sparseness of the model and see how many kernels were frozen by each task, check Sparse_visualization.ipynb


Due to some differences in implementation, the hyperparameters for ResNet18 mentioned in the paper didn't work well. I changed the optimizer and performed upscaling + augmentations to get better quality.

You can download checkpoint with the best results for ResNet18 so far here. For consistency with other experiments, you may unzip it to the results folder.


There are a couple of differences between my and the original authors' implementation: