


This is the official Pytorch implementation of our work FATE: Feature-Agnostic Transformer-based Encoder for learning generalized embedding spaces in flow cytometry data accepted at WACV 2024.


<strong>FATE</strong> is a novel architecture that can process data with varying features, without the need to constrain the input space to the intersection of potential feature sets or to expand it to their union. For more information please refer to the arXiv paper.


Setup 🛠

Clone the repository, create environment and install the required packages as follows:

git clone git@github.com:lisaweijler/FATE.git # clone repository
cd FATE # change directory
python -m venv .venv # create new virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate # activate it
pip install -r requirements.txt # install requirements

Run FATE 🚀

In this section you will find information on how to use this repository. In particular, how to apply the proposed pre-training strategy, fine-tune and test the model.

General information ⚙️

Pre-training 🚀

Example command for pre-training FATE:

python pretrain.py --config config_templates/pretrain_FATEMaskedAE_config.json --device 0

Fine-tuning & Training from scratch 🚀

For fine-tuning and training from scratch the file train.py can be used. If in the config a "pretrained_model_path" is given then the model is initialized with the pretrained weights of the specified model.

Example command for fine-tuning FATE:

python train.py --config config_templates/finetune_pretrained_FATE_config.json --device 0

Example command for training FATE from scratch:

python train.py --config config_templates/train_FATE_config.json --device 0

Testing 📊

For testing you can use the same config as for training/fine-tuning and specify the model to use via the command line and the --resume flag. Example command for testing FATE:

python train.py --config /caa/Homes01/lweijler/phd/myeflow/development/FATE/config_templates/train_FATE_config.json --device 0 --resume path/to/your/trained/model.pth

Citation :pray:

If you use this repository please consider citing our work

  title={FATE: Feature-Agnostic Transformer-based Encoder for learning generalized embedding spaces in flow cytometry data},
  author={Weijler, Lisa and Kowarsch, Florian and Reiter, Michael and Hermosilla, Pedro and Maurer-Granofszky, Margarita and Dworzak, Michael},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},