

Rails 6 + Create React App Boilerplate

Key Features

Rails Devise handles user authentications 🔑

ActiveAdmin on Rails side 👩‍💼

styled-components 😍

Best of both worlds 🔥

And all the important things...

Getting Started

  1. git clone git@github.com:lirenyeo/create-react-app-with-rails-login.git then cd create-react-app-with-rails-login
  2. Set up PostgreSQL: rails db:create then rails db:migrate
  3. Set up CRA installation: yarn install (This will execute yarn --cwd client install which does yarn install in client folder)
  4. To see how everything works together, run yarn build && rails s
  1. To start development, run foreman start -f Procfile.dev
  1. To add new JS packages, make sure to do yarn add <package-name> inside /client folder

Active Admin

  1. Since AA is on Rails, in development, you need to visit localhost:3000/admin
  2. run rails db:seed to seed a sample admin user, log in to AA dashboard with admin@example.com and password