

Groovy Liquibase

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A pluggable parser for Liquibase that allows the creation of changelogs in a Groovy DSL, rather than hurtful XML. If this DSL isn't reason enough to adopt Liquibase, then there is no hope for you. This project was started once upon a time by Tim Berglund, and is currently maintained by Steve Saliman.

Version 4.0.0 has finally been released!

After far too long, release 4.0.0 has been released adding support for Liquibase 4.26+. See the News section for more details.

Important note for Groovy 4 and build tools: This DSL is built with a transitive dependency on Groovy 3.0.15. This ensures that Gradle and Maven users don't need to include Groovy in the classpath for the DSL to work, but because Groovy moved into the Apache foundation for version 4, and changed the artifact group, users who want to use Groovy 4 need to exclude the transitive dependency. Here is an example of how users of the Liquibase Gradle plugin can do it:

liquibaseRuntime('org.liquibase:liquibase-groovy-dsl:4.0.0') {
    exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy", module: "groovy"
    exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy", module: "groovy-sql"
liquibaseRuntime "org.apache.groovy:groovy:4.0.5"
liquibaseRuntime "org.apache.groovy:groovy-sql:4.0.5"


March 12, 2024

Release 4.0.0 adds support for Liquibase 4.26, and removed official support for versions prior to that. Liquibase has had a lot of internal API changes between 6.16.1 and 4.26, and the plugin will most likely not work with older versions.

This release has breaking changes

In addition, the Groovy DSL doesn't support the Liquibase PRO modifyChangeSets change.

March 12, 2023

Release 3.0.3 adds support for Liquibase up to version 4.16.1, and it adds support for Groovy 4 (#53), with thanks to Bjørn Vester (@bjornvester)

June 12, 2021

Release 3.0.2 Fixes a bug with change log parameters (#50)

April 16, 2021

Version 3.0.1 of the Liquibase Groovy DSL is now available with support for Liquibase 4.2.2.

September 5, 2020

Version 3.0.0 of the Liquibase Groovy DSL is now available with support for Liquibase 4.0.0.

As you might expect for a major release, this means some breaking changes. There are two breaking changes with this release.

Version 3.0.0 of the DSL no longer supports the 3.x releases of Liquibase. If you need to use an older version of Liquibase, you'll need an older version of the DSL.

Liquibase 4.0.0 no longer supports using absolute filenemes, so the DSL doesn't either. This change only affects changelogs that were using the include and includeAll elements with absolute paths.

June 6, 2020

Release 2.1.2 is a minor release that fixes an issue with include and includeAll changes nested inside change logs that used the previously added logicalFilePath support.

January 25, 2020

Added support for an undocumented ChangeSet attribute. The XML accepts an attribute named logicalFilePath. The actual ChangeSet property in the source code is named filePath. The Groovy DSL now supports both. The default is still to inherit the filePath from the DatabaseChangeLog. This resolves Issue #45. The bugs in Liquibase 3.7+ still remain as of Liquibase 3.8.5, so use those versions with care.


Simply include this project's jar file in your class path, along with a version of Liquibase, a version of Groovy, and your database driver, and Liquibase can parse elegant Groovy changelogs instead of ugly XML ones.

If you are running Liquibase directly from the command line using the binary distribution of Liquibase, you would need to copy the liquibase-groovy-dsl, groovy-x.y.z and database driver jar files into the internal/lib directory of the Liquibase distribution. If you are running Liquibase using a Gradle plugin, Maven plugin, or Spring Boot, follow the documentation of the tool to add these artifacts to the classpath.

The DSL syntax is intended to mirror the Liquibase XML syntax directly, such that mapping elements and attributes from the Liquibase documentation to Groovy builder syntax will result in a valid changelog. Hence, this DSL is not documented separately from the Liquibase XML format. We will, however let you know about the minor differences or enhancements to the XML format, and help out with a couple of the holes in Liquibase's documentation of the XML format.

Note that wile the Groovy DSL fully supports using absolute paths for changelogs, we strongly recommend using relative paths instead. When Liquibase sees an absolute path for a changelog, all changes included by that changelog will also have absolute path names, even if the include or includeAll element used the relativeToChangeLog attribute. This will cause problems in multi-developer environments because the difference in the users' directories will cause Liquibase to think that the changes are new, and it will try to run them again.

Deprecated and Unsupported Items
Additions to the XML format:
execute {
  arg(value: 'somevalue')

You can use this the simpler form:

execute {
  arg 'somevalue'
sql {
  comment('we should not have added this...')
  'delete from my_table'
sql { """
  insert into some_table(data_column, date_inserted)
  values('some_data', '${new Date().toString()}')
Items that were left out of the XML documentation


This code is released under the Apache Public License 2.0, just like Liquibase itself.