

Linode OpenAPI 3

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This is the Linode API OpenAPI 3 Schema


The linter used for the OpenAPI spec is written in python3. A virtualenv is recommended for local work.

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


The spec can be linted using the openapi3 module.

python -m openapi3 openapi.yaml


When making a new release you must tag the release with the correct semantic versioning-compliant version string so that all versions are populated appropriately. There is a ./bin/deploy helper which will help with this process.

./bin/deploy 0.1.0

Spec Extensions

The OpenAPI specification supports vendor-specific extensions prefixed with an x- in the attribute name. The following extensions are created by Linode for use in our spec:

AttributeLocationTypeSupported ByExplanation
x-linode-filterableschema propertiesbooleanIf true, indicates that this property may be included in an X-Filter header
x-linode-grantmethodstringThe level of access a user must have in order to call this endpoint.
x-linode-cli-displayschema propertiesintegerlinode-cliIf truthy, this property will be displayed in the Linode CLI. The numeric value determines the ordering of the displayed columns, left to right.
x-linode-cli-colorschema propertiesobjectlinode-cliA mapping of possible property values to color codes understood by python's colorclass module. Must include a default_, used for any value that doesn't match one of the keys.
x-linode-cli-formatschema propertiesstringlinode-cliOverrides the value of the "format" field for this property, but for the CLI only. Valid values are file and json.
x-linode-cli-commandpathstringlinode-cliThe command group the methods of this path fall into when generating commands in the linode-cli <command> <action> format.
x-linode-cli-actionmethodstringlinode-cliThe action this method will be mapped to when generating commands in the linode-cli <command> <action> format.
x-linode-cli-skipmethodbooleanlinode-cliIf true, the CLI will not expose this action.
x-linode-redoc-load-idsoperationbooleanIf true, ReDoc will load this path and print a bulleted list of IDs. This only works on public collections.
x-linode-ref-namekeywordstringLinode Developer's SiteProvides a mechanism by which the Developer's site can generate a dropdown menu with an Object's name when using the oneOf keyword with a discriminator. Note: This front end functionality is currently being developed.
x-linode-cli-rowsmedia typearraylinode-cliA list of JSON paths where the CLI can find the value it should treat as table rows. Only needed for irregular endpoints.
x-linode-cli-use-schemamedia typeschema or $reflinode-cliThe schema the CLI should use when showing a row for this response. Use with x-linode-cli-rows.
x-linode-cli-nested-listmedia typestringlinode-cliThe name of the property defined by this response body's schema that is a nested list. Items in the list will be broken out into rows in the CLI's output.
x-linode-cli-allowed-defaultsrequestBodylist of stringlinode-cliA list of defaults this action should accept from the CLI. Valid values are "region", "type", and "image"