Linode CLI
Linode CLI is a simple command-line interface to the Linode platform. Note: There is a newer version of the Linode CLI (linode-cli) that uses the new Linode API V4.
Linode CLI is currently packaged for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, NixOS and through Homebrew on Mac OS X. Final versions of linode-cli will be packaged up and very easy to install for major distributions.
sudo bash -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linode.list'
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linode-cli
Fedora's official repositories include Linode CLI (in F24 and newer). To install,
sudo dnf install linode-cli
Installing Linode CLI on CentOS requires the EPEL repository to be installed and enabled, before installing Linode CLI.
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install linode-cli
Linode CLI is included in NixPkgs, so installation should be straightforward
# Using symbolic name.
nix-env -i perl-linode-cli
# Using attribute name. (Channel name is derived using $() here)
nix-env -iA $(nix-channel --list | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1).linode-cli
Mac OS X
Installing the packaged version of Linode CLI on Mac OS X requires Homebrew:
brew install linode/cli/linode-cli
Mac OS X segmentation faults
Linode-cli must be built using the system perl, so if you end up with segmentation faults when running linode
on OSX, try
brew unlink perl
brew uninstall linode-cli
brew install linode-cli
You'll need the following Perl modules. They can be installed from the CPAN using your preferred method.
- Mozilla::CA
- Try::Tiny
- WebService::Linode
To install with root:
sudo cpan -i JSON LWP Mozilla::CP Try::Tiny WebService::Linode
To install with local::lib:
perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e 'CPAN::install(JSON, LWP, Mozilla::CA, Try::Tiny, WebService::Linode)'
Then, download the Linode CLI tarball, extract it, and install:
curl -Lo linode-cli.tar.gz
tar xf linode-cli.tar.gz
cd cli-master && perl Makefile.PL && sudo make install
Initial configuration
You can configure defaults, including your API key and common deployment options, by running the configuration helper:
linode configure
This will walk you through setting default values for common options.
Linode Manager username
By default, this will (over)write $HOME/.linodecli/config
. If you specify a username (-u
), it will (over)write $HOME/.linodecli/config_username
Options are in the format of option value
, for example:
api-key foobarbaz123456
The API key can also be set using an environment variable (LINODE_API_KEY). Alternatively, you can pass an --api-key
option on the command line.
If you didn't place linode-cli somewhere in your PATH, you'll need to call it directly: /path/to/linode-cli/linode
. Otherwise, you can simply use linode
Listing Linodes
linode list
linode list My-Linode-Label
linode list My-Linode-Label1 My-Linode-Label2
Showing details about a single Linode
linode show My-Linode-Label
Starting, stopping, or restarting a Linode
linode start My-Linode-Label
linode stop My-Linode-Label
linode restart My-Linode-Label
Renaming a Linode
linode rename mylinodename mylinodenewname
Creating a new Linode
Warning: This will attempt to charge the credit card on file, or use any account credit available, and spin up a new Linode 2GB.
linode create New-Linode --location dallas --plan linode2G --payment-term 1 --distribution 'Debian 9' --group Frontends
Resizing a Linode
Warning: This will shut the Linode down, charge/credit the account, and issue a migration to another host server.
This example resizes a Linode 2GB to a Linode 4GB.
linode resize mylinode linode4GB
Deleting a Linode
Warning: This will permanently delete a Linode, its disk images and configuration profiles.
linode delete New-Linode
Working with multiple Linodes
Actions can be performed on multiple Linodes using their labels. Using multiple --label arguments will accomplish the same thing.
linode start My-Linode-Label1 My-Linode-Label2
linode show --label My-Linode-Label1 --label My-Linode-Label2
Working with Domains
Create a master domain (requires an SOA email address).
linode domain create
Create a slave domain (requires a master DNS server ip).
linode domain create slave X.X.X.X
Displaying domains.
linode domain list
linode domain show
Updating a domain.
linode domain update --group main
Creating domain records.
linode domain record-create A www2 X.X.X.X
linode domain record-create MX subdomain
Updating a domain record.
linode domain record-update MX --priority 20
Removing a domain record.
linode domain record-delete A www2
Displaying domain records.
linode domain record-list
linode domain record-list MX
linode domain record-show
linode domain record-show MX
Working with NodeBalancers
Create a NodeBalancer in your datacenter of choice.
linode nodebalancer create mynodebalancer dallas
Set the NodeBalancer up to handle traffic on a port (configuration).
linode nodebalancer config-create mynodebalancer 80
Create NodeBlanacer Nodes, balancing the incoming traffic between your Linodes.
linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode1 xx.xx.xx.1:80
linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode2 xx.xx.xx.2:80
linode nodebalancer node-create mynodebalancer 80 mylinode3 xx.xx.xx.3:80
Displaying NodeBalancers.
linode nodebalancer list
Displaying the Nodes, which will list the Linodes handing traffic on the port requested.
linode nodebalancer node-list mynodebalancer 80
Working with StackScripts
Actions can be performed on StackScripts.
linode stackscript list
linode stackscript create --label "StackScript Name" --codefile "/path/" --distribution "Debian 9"
linode stackscript show My-StackScript-Label
linode stackscript source mystackscript >
Working with Linode Images
Listing a Linode's disks (displays disk names and disk IDs)
linode disk-list mylinodelabel
Creating a Linode Image
linode image-create mylinodelabel --diskid diskid
Listing your Linode Images
linode image-list
Updating or removing your Linode Images
linode image-update --imageid imageid --name newname
linode image-delete --imageid imageid
Displaying account information
Account information, including the current account balance and network transfer pool usage, can be queried with the linode-account
linode account show
managed yes
balance $ 0.00
transfer pool 7527.00GB
transfer billable 0.00GB
active since 2013-09-10 14:44:27.0
transfer used 1.00GB
JSON output
JSON output is available for actions.
linode list --output json
linode list --json
"linodefrontend1" : {
"location" : "dallas",
"group" : "",
"status" : "powered off",
"backupsenabled" : false,
"totalram" : "2GB",
"request_error" : "",
"totalhd" : "24GB",
"label" : "linodefrontend1",
"linodeid" : 900001
"linodebackend1" : {
"location" : "dallas",
"group" : "backend",
"status" : "running",
"backupsenabled" : true,
"totalram" : "4GB",
"request_error" : "",
"totalhd" : "48GB",
"label" : "linodebackend1",
"linodeid" : 900002
Using with multiple accounts
Multiple accounts and configuration files can be accomplished with the username option.
linode list -u username1
linode list -u username2
linode configure -u username1
linode configure -u username2
-a, --action: An action to perform on one Linode. One of: create, start, stop, restart, rename, group, resize, delete. Read-only operations are available as well: list, show.
Each action has a set of options that apply to it, which are outlined in the section ACTIONS.
--api-key: API key to use when communicating with the Linode API. Alternatively, you can specify the API key in $HOME/.linodecli/config
, using the format api-key foobar
-u, --username: Optional. Allows users to specify the username, if using with multiple accounts and configuration files.
-j, --json: Optional. JSON output.
-h, --help: Displays help documentation.
Linode Actions
Create and start a new Linode.
-l, --label: Required. A Linode to operate on.
-L, --location, --datacenter: Required. The datacenter to use for deployment. Locations are Atlanta, Dallas, Frankfurt, Fremont, London, Newark, Singapore, Shinagawa.
-d, --distribution: Required when not using imageid. Distribution name or DistributionID to deploy.
-i, --imageid: Required when not using distribution. The ID of the gold-master image to use for deployment.
-p, --plan: Required. The Plan to deploy. Plans are:
Standard Instances:
linode2GB, linode4GB, linode8GB, linode16GB, linode32GB, linode64GB, linode96GB, linode128GB, linode192GB
High Memory Instances:
linode24GB, linode48GB, linode90GB, linode150GB, linode300GB
Nanode Instances:
-P, --password: Required. The root user's password. Needs to be at least 6 characters and contain at least two of these four character classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and punctuation.
-t, --payment-term: Optional. Payment term, one of 1, 12, or 24 (months). Default: 1. This is ignored when using metered.
-g, --group: Optional. Linode Manager display group to place this Linode under. Default: none.
-K, --pubkey-file: Optional. A public key file to install at /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
when creating this Linode.
-S, --stackscript: Optional when creating with a distribution. Personal or public StackScript ID to use for deployment. Names of personal StackScripts are accepted.
-J, --stackscriptjson: The JSON encoded name/value pairs, answering the StackScript's User Defined Fields (UDF). A path to a JSON file is also accepted.
-w, --wait: Optional. Amount of time (in minutes) to wait for human output. Using the flag only, will use the default of 5.
Rebuild an existing Linode.
-l, --label: Required. A Linode to operate on.
-d, --distribution: Required when not using imageid. Distribution name or DistributionID to deploy.
-i, --imageid: Required when not using distribution. The ID of the gold-master image to use for deployment.
-P, --password: Required. The root user's password. Needs to be at least 6 characters and contain at least two of these four character classes: lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, and punctuation.
-K, --pubkey-file: Optional. A public key file to install at /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
when creating this Linode.
-S, --stackscript: Optional when rebuilding with a distribution. Personal or public StackScript ID to use for deployment. Names of personal StackScripts are accepted.
-J, --stackscriptjson: The JSON encoded name/value pairs, answering the StackScript's User Defined Fields (UDF). A path to a JSON file is also accepted.
-w, --wait: Optional. Amount of time (in minutes) to wait for human output. Using the flag only, will use the default of 5.
Start, stop, restart
Stop, start, or restart a Linode.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
-w, --wait: Optional. Amount of time (in minutes) to wait for human output. Using the flag only, will use the default of 5.
Change a Linode's label.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
-n, --new-label: New label to apply to this Linode.
Set a Linode's display group.
-g, --group: Linode Manager display group to place this Linode under.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
Resize a Linode to a new plan size, and issue a boot job.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
-p, --plan: The Plan to resize to. Plans are:
Standard Instances:
linode2GB, linode4GB, linode8GB, linode16GB, linode32GB, linode64GB, linode96GB, linode128GB, linode192GB
High Memory Instances:
linode24GB, linode48GB, linode90GB, linode150GB, linode300GB
Nanode Instances:
-w, --wait: Optional. Amount of time (in minutes) to wait for human output. Using the flag only, will use the default of 20.
Add an IP address to a Linode.
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
--private: Add a private IP address instead of a public one.
Delete a Linode, its disk image(s), and configuration profile(s).
-l, --label: A Linode to operate on.
List information about one or more Linodes. Linodes are grouped by their display group.
-l, --label: Optional. A specific Linode to list.
Display detailed information about one or more Linodes.
-l, --label: Required. A specific Linode to show.
List all available datacenters.
List all available distributions.
List all available Linode plans.
Lists disks associated with a specific Linode.
-l, --label: Required. The Linode to display.
Lists available gold-master images.
Creates a gold-master image for future deployments.
-l, --label: Required. Specifies the source Linode to create the image from.
-d, --diskid: Required. Specifies the source Disk ID to create the image from.
-D, --description: Optional. An optional description of the created image.
-n, --name: Optional. Sets the name of the image. If not provided, the name defaults to the source image label.
-w, --wait: Optional. Amount of time (in minutes) to wait for human output. Using the flag only, will use the default of 5.
Updates a gold-master image.
-i, --imageid: Required. The ID of the gold-master image to update.
-D, --description: Optional. The new image description.
-n, --name: Optional. The new image name.
Deletes a gold-master image.
-i, --imageid: Required. The ID of the gold-master image to delete.
Domain Actions
Create a Domain.
-l, --label: The Domain (name). The zone's name.
-t, --type: Either master or slave. Default: master
-e, --email: SOA email address. Required for master domains.
-D, --description: Optional. Notes describing details about the Domain.
-R, --refresh: Optional. Default: 0
-Y, --retry: Optional. Default: 0
-E, --expire: Optional. Default: 0
-T, --ttl: Optional. Default: 0
-g, --group: Optional. Linode Manager display group to place this Domain under.
-s, --status: Optional. Statuses are active, edit, or disabled. Default: active
-m, --masterip: Optional. Accepts multiple entries. When the domain is a slave, this is the zone's master DNS servers list.
-x, --axfrip: Optional. Accepts multiple entries. IP addresses allowed to AXFR the entire zone.
Update a Domain.
-l, --label: The Domain (name) to update.
-n, --new-label: Optional. Renames the Domain.
-t, --type: Optional. Either master or slave. Default: master
-e, --email: Optional. SOA email address. Required for master domains.
-D, --description: Optional. Notes describing details about the Domain.
-R, --refresh: Optional. Default: 0
-Y, --retry: Optional. Default: 0
-E, --expire: Optional. Default: 0
-T, --ttl: Optional. Default: 0
-g, --group: Optional. Linode Manager display group to place this Domain under.
-s, --status: Optional. Statuses are active, edit, or disabled. Default: active
-m, --masterip: Optional. Accepts multiple entries. When the domain is a slave, this is the zone's master DNS servers list.
-x, --axfrip: Optional. Accepts multiple entries. IP addresses allowed to AXFR the entire zone.
Delete a Domain.
-l, --label: The Domain to delete.
List information about one or more Domains.
-l, --label: Optional. A specific Domain to list.
Display detailed information about one or more Domains.
-l, --label: Required. A specific Domain to show.
Domain Record Create (record-create)
Create a Domain record.
-l, --label: The Domain (name). The zone's name.
-t, --type: Required. One of: NS, MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, or SRV
-n, --name: Optional. The hostname or FQDN. When Type=MX the subdomain to delegate to the Target MX server. Default: blank.
-p, --port: Optional. Default: 80
-R, --target: Optional. When Type=MX the hostname. When Type=CNAME the target of the alias. When Type=TXT the value of the record. When Type=A or AAAA the token of '[remote_addr]' will be substituted with the IP address of the request.
-P, --priority: Optional. Priority for MX and SRV records, 0-255 Default: 10
-W, --weight: Optional. Default: 5
-L, --protocol: Optional. The protocol to append to an SRV record. Ignored on other record types. Default: blank.
-T, --ttl: Optional. Default: 0
Domain Record Update (record-update)
Update a Domain record.
-l, --label: The Domain containing the record to update.
-t, --type: Required. The type of the record to delete. One of: NS, MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, or SRV
-m, --match: Required. The match for the record to delete. Match to a name or target.
-n, --name: Optional. The hostname or FQDN. When Type=MX the subdomain to delegate to the Target MX server. Default: blank.
-p, --port: Optional. Default: 80
-R, --target: Optional. When Type=MX the hostname. When Type=CNAME the target of the alias. When Type=TXT the value of the record. When Type=A or AAAA the token of '[remote_addr]' will be substituted with the IP address of the request.
-P, --priority: Optional. Priority for MX and SRV records, 0-255 Default: 10
-W, --weight: Optional. Default: 5
-L, --protocol: Optional. The protocol to append to an SRV record. Ignored on other record types. Default: blank.
-T, --ttl: Optional. Default: 0
Domain Record Delete (record-delete)
Delete a Domain record.
-l, --label: The Domain containing the record to delete.
-t, --type: Required. The type of the record to delete. One of: NS, MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, or SRV
-m, --match: Required. The match for the record to delete. Match to a name or target.
Domain Record List (record-list)
List Domain Record information for one or more Domains.
-l, --label: Optional. A specific Domain to list.
-t, --type: Optional. Allows domain record filtering by type. One of: NS, MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, or SRV
Domain Record Show (record-show)
Display detailed Domain Record information for one or more Domains.
-l, --label: Required. A specific Domain to show.
-t, --type: Optional. Allows domain record filtering by type. One of: NS, MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, or SRV
NodeBalancer Actions
Create a NodeBalancer.
-l, --label: Required. The name of the NodeBalancer.
-L, --location: Required. The datacenter to use for deployment. Locations are Dallas, Fremont, Atlanta, Newark, London, and Tokyo.
-t, --payment-term: Optional. Payment term, one of 1, 12, or 24 (months). Default: 1. This is ignored when using metered.
Rename a NodeBalancer.
-l, --label: Required. The name of the NodeBalancer.
-n, --new-label: Required. The new name for the NodeBalancer.
Adjust the connections per second allowed per client IP for a NodeBalancer, to help mitigate abuse.
-l, --label: Required. The name of the NodeBalancer.
-c, --connections: Required. To help mitigate abuse, throttle connections per second, per client IP. 0 to disable. Max of 20.
Delete a NodeBalancer.
-l, --label: Required. The NodeBalancer to delete.
List information about one or more NodeBalancers.
-l, --label: Optional. A specific NodeBalancer to list.
Display detailed information about one or more NodeBalancers.
-l, --label: Required. A specific NodeBalancer to show.
NodeBalancer Config Actions
Create NodeBalancer Config/Port (config-create)
Create a NodeBalancer config (port).
-l, --label: Required. The NodeBalancer name to add the config/port.
-p, --port: Optional. The NodeBalancer config port to bind on (1-65534). Default is 80.
-L, --protocol: Optional. Options are 'tcp', 'http', and 'https'. Default is 'http'.
-A, --algorithm: Optional. Balancing algorithm. Options are 'roundrobin', 'leastconn', and 'source'. Default is 'roundrobin'.
-S, --stickiness: Optional. Session persistence. Options are 'none', 'table', and 'http_cookie'. Default is 'table'.
-H, --check-health: Optional. Perform active health checks on the backend nodes. One of 'connection', 'http', 'http_body'. Default is 'connection'.
-I, --check-interval: Optional. Seconds between health check probes (2-3600). Default is 5.
-T, --check-timeout: Optional. Seconds to wait before considering the probe a failure (1-30). Must be less than check_interval. Default is 3.
-X, --check-attempts: Optional. Number of failed probes before taking a node out of rotation (1-30). Default is 2.
-P, --check-path: Optional. When check-health='http', the path to request. Default is '/'.
-B, --check-body: Optional. When check-health='http_body', a regex against the expected result body.
-C, --ssl-cert: Optional. SSL certificate served by the NodeBalancer when the protocol is 'https'. A path to the file is also accepted.
-K, --ssl-key: Optional. Unpassphrased private key for the SSL certificate when protocol is 'https'. A path to the file is also accepted.
Update NodeBalancer Config/Port (config-update)
Update a NodeBalancer config (port).
-l, --label: Required. The NodeBalancer name.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer config port.
-N, --new-port: Optional. Changes the config port to bind on (1-65534).
-L, --protocol: Optional. Protocol. Options are 'tcp', 'http', and 'https'.
-A, --algorithm: Optional. Balancing algorithm. Options are 'roundrobin', 'leastconn', and 'source'.
-S, --stickiness: Optional. Session persistence. Options are 'none', 'table', and 'http_cookie'.
-H, --check-health: Optional. Perform active health checks on the backend nodes. One of 'connection', 'http', 'http_body'.
-I, --check-interval: Optional. Seconds between health check probes (2-3600).
-T, --check-timeout: Optional. Seconds to wait before considering the probe a failure (1-30). Must be less than check_interval.
-X, --check-attempts: Optional. Number of failed probes before taking a node out of rotation (1-30).
-P, --check-path: Optional. When check-health='http', the path to request.
-B, --check-body: Optional. When check-health='http_body', a regex against the expected result body.
-C, --ssl-cert: Optional. SSL certificate served by the NodeBalancer when the protocol is 'https'. A path to the file is also accepted.
-K, --ssl-key: Optional. Unpassphrased private key for the SSL certificate when protocol is 'https'. A path to the file is also accepted.
Delete NodeBalancer Config/Port (config-delete)
Delete a NodeBalancer config (port).
-l, --label: The NodeBalancer name.
-p, --port: The NodeBalancer config port to delete.
List NodeBalancer Config/Port (config-list)
List all configs (ports) for a specific NodeBalancer.
-l, --label: Required. A specific NodeBalancer to list.
Show NodeBalancer Config/Port (config-show)
Display detailed information about a specific NodeBalancer config/port.
-l, --label: Required. A specific NodeBalancer to show.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer config port to show.
NodeBalancer Node Actions
Create NodeBalancer Node (node-create)
Create a NodeBalancer Node.
-l, --label: Required. The label (name) of the NodeBalancer.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer port or config port.
-n, --name: Required. The Node name to update.
-A, --address: Required. The address:port combination used to communicate with this Node.
-W, --weight: Optional. Load balancing weight, 1-255. Higher means more connections. Default is 100.
-M, --mode: Optional. The connections mode to use. Options are 'accept', 'reject', and 'drain'. Default is 'accept'.
Update NodeBalancer Node (node-update)
Update a NodeBalancer Node.
-l, --label: Required. The label (name) of the NodeBalancer.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer port or config port.
-n, --name: Required. The Node name to update.
-N, --new-name: Optional. New name for the Node (rename).
-A, --address: Optional. The address:port combination used to communicate with this Node.
-W, --weight: Optional. Load balancing weight, 1-255. Higher means more connections.
-M, --mode: Optional. The connections mode to use. Options are 'accept', 'reject', and 'drain'.
Delete NodeBalancer Node (node-delete)
Delete a NodeBalancer Node.
-l, --label: The NodeBalancer name.
-p, --port: The NodeBalancer port or config port.
-n, --name: The specific Node name to delete.
List NodeBalancer Node (node-list)
List all Nodes for a specific NodeBalancer port.
-l, --label: Required. A specific NodeBalancer.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer port or config port.
Show NodeBalancer Node (node-show)
Show detailed information about a specific Node for a specific NodeBalancer port.
-l, --label: Required. A specific NodeBalancer.
-p, --port: Required. The NodeBalancer port or config port.
-n, --name: Required. The name of the Node to show.
StackScript Actions
Create a StackScript.
-l, --label: The label (name) for the StackScript.
-d, --distribution: Distribution name or DistributionID to deploy.
-c, --codefile: The script file name (including the path) containing the source code.
-p, --ispublic: Optional. Whether this StackScript is published in the Library, for everyone to use. Options are yes, no, true, and false. Default is false.
-D, --description: Optional. Notes describing details about the StackScript.
-r, --revnote: Optional. Note for describing the version.
Update a StackScript.
-l, --label: The label (name) of the StackScript to update.
-n, --new-label: Optional. Renames the StackScript.
-d, --distribution: Optional. Distribution name or DistributionID to deploy.
-c, --codefile: Optional. The script file name (including the path) containing the source code.
-p, --ispublic: Optional. Whether this StackScript is published in the Library, for everyone to use. Options are yes, no, true, and false. Default is false.
-D, --description: Optional. Notes describing details about the StackScript.
-r, --revnote: Optional. Note for describing the version.
Delete a StackScript.
-l, --label: The StackScript to delete.
List information about one or more StackScripts.
-l, --label: Optional. A specific StackScript to list.
Display detailed information about one or more StackScripts.
-l, --label: Required. A specific StackScript to show.
Display the source code for a StackScript.
-l, --label: Required. A specific StackScript to show.