

Dex Test Parser

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dex-test-parser was inspired by the Google presentation "Going Green: Cleaning up the Toxic Mobile Environment".

What does it do?

Given an Android instrumentation apk, dex-test-parser will parse the apk's dex files and return the fully qualified method names of all JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 test methods.

Of course, you could also collect this list of method names from inside your test code by scanning the apk internally and using reflection. However, there are several reasons you may not want to do this:


Download the latest .jar via Maven:


or Gradle:

    compile 'com.linkedin.dextestparser:parser:2.3.4'

or you can manually download the jar from Bintray.

Getting Started

dex-test-parser provides a single public method that you can call from Java to get all test method names.

List<String> customAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> testMethodNames = DexParser.findTestNames(apkPath, customAnnotations);

Variable customAnnotations is a list of custom tags that marks tests if you are using custom test runner for your tests.

You can also use the jar directly from the command line if you prefer. This will create a file called AllTests.txt in the specified output directory.

java -jar parser.jar path/to/apk path/for/output

If "path/for/output" is omitted, the output will be printed into stdout.

If you have custom test runner (com.company.testing.uitest.screenshot.ScreenshotTest in this example) and custom tag to annotate tests:

java -jar parser.jar path/to/apk path/for/output -A com.company.testing.uitest.screenshot.ScreenshotTest


You can use snapshot builds to test the latest unreleased changes. A new snapshot is published after every merge to the main branch by the Deploy Snapshot Github Action workflow.

Just add the Sonatype snapshot repository to your Gradle scripts:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"

You can find the latest snapshot version to use in the gradle.properties file.