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<img src="http://social-webarch.github.io/cimba/img/cimba-logo.png">

Client-Integrated Micro-Blogging Architecture application

Note: if you just want to get down to business, you can skip directly to the dev section.

CIMBA for End-Users

CIMBA is a privacy-friendly, decentralized microblogging application that runs in your browser. It is built using the latest HTML5 technologies and Web standards. With CIMBA, people get a microblogging app that behaves like Twitter, built entirely out of parts they can control.

To use CIMBA, people must have an account at some Data Server (also called a “personal data store”) which implements the Linked Data Platform (LDP) Web standard with appropriate extensions. Users may choose to run their own Data Server, use one provided by an employer/school/government, or even pay for a Data Server service. Whatever their choice, they can easily switch to another Data Server whenever they want or even concurrently use different Data Servers for different aspects of their life.

Basically, if you don't like CIMBA anymore, or if there is a better microblogging Web app that you want to use, you just need to replace the Web app, which only acts as the UI component of the system. The data you have created will not be affected by the change!

Once the app has been loaded into your browser, all communications will take place between you (the actual app running in the browser) and your personal Data Server, or the Data Servers of the people to which you have subscribed. Whatever data/content CIMBA produces will also be stored on your Data Server.

In other words:

CIMBA for Developers

For software developers, CIMBA presents a radically open alternative to platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

<a name="Components"></a>Components

Architecture - overview

CIMBA only requires one starting point, the user's WebID. Here is an example WebID: https://user.name/card#me. From the WebID, CIMBA follows Linked Data principles to discover where the user's posts are, as well as where to fetch posts from the people the user has subscribed to. You can use the following pseudo-algorithm as reference:

Get WebID -> find <Storage endpoint>
    |-> from <Storage endpoint> -> get all [Workspaces]
        |-> for each <workspace> in [Worspaces] -> is sioc:Space?
            |-> if True
                |-> from <workspace> -> get all [Channels]
                    |-> for each <channel> in [Channels] -> get [Posts]
                        |-> display [Posts] and allow new posts from user
            |-> if all False (no microblogging workspaces found)
                |-> suggest (create) <new workspace> under <Storage endpoint>
                |-> suggest (create) <new channel> under <new workspace>
                    |-> set <new channel> as default and allow new posts from user

Architecture - detailed

When we started designing CIMBA, we wanted it to work in a very generic way, to allow it to be more interoperable. Here are some very important concepts we came up with:

<#me> <http://www.w3.org/ns/pim/space#storage> <https://example.org/data/> .

Karma Testing Information -Getting karma to test in chrome as well as firefox. Use the following command in a command line

npm install karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev

Then add 'karma-chrome-launcher' to the plugins array and 'Chrome' to the browsers array in karma-unit.tpl.js. Similar things must be done for the other major browsers.