

DPDNet (Retrained Version)

License CC BY-NC Ubuntu Python CUDA PyTorch

This repository contains the retrained version of DPDNet when adopting the training strategy in the following paper:

Learning to Deblur using Light Field Generated and Real Defocused Images<br> Lingyan Ruan<sup>*</sup>, Bin Chen<sup>*</sup>, Jizhou Li, Miuling Lam (* equal contribution)<br> IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR Oral) 2022

<p align="left"> <a> <img src="./assets/performance_gain.png" width="50%" alt="teaser figure"> </a><br> </p> <!-- <img src="./assets/performance_gain.png" width="50%" alt="teaser figure"> -->

The orignial DPDNet can be found Here .

Code Here


Notes: the code may also work with other library versions that didn't specify here.

Table 4 in our main paper.

1. Installation

Clone this project to your local machine

$ git clone https://github.com/lingyanruan/DPDNet.git
$ cd DPDNet

2. Pre-trained models

Download and unzip pretrained weights under ./ModelCheckpoints/:

3. Datasets

Download and unzip test sets DPDD under folder ./DPD/

4. Command Line

python main.py


Should you have any questions, please open an issue or contact me lyruanruan@gmail.com


This software is being made available under the terms in the LICENSE file.