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FIDO2(WebAuthn) Server officially certified by FIDO Alliance

<img src="images/fido2_certificate.jpg" height="500" align="center" alt="FIDO2 Certificate"/>


FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) is an open standard for online authentication, aiming to eliminate the vulnerabilities of passwords. FIDO uses public-key cryptography instead of symmetric credentials like passwords or PINs.

In essence, the user's device generates a key pair, storing the private key securely and sharing the public key with the server. During both registration and authentication, the server challenges the device, and the device responds with a digital signature using the private key. The server then verifies this signature with the stored public key. This challenge-response protocol helps prevent replay attacks.

What is FIDO2?

FIDO2 is an enhancement of the FIDO standard for web and other platforms, supported by major web browsers and operating systems. It encompasses two primary operations: Registration and Authentication.



Challenge-Response Protocol

Both the registration and authentication processes utilize a challenge-response protocol to prevent replay attacks. During registration, a challenge is sent from the server to the device and the device responds using its private key. Similarly, during authentication, another challenge is sent to verify the user's identity. This ensures that each attempt is unique and secure.


Chrome on Mac with Touch ID

<img src="images/chrome_mac_touchid.gif" width="600" align="center" alt="Registration Flow"/>



How to Run

Manual Run

Start the RP Server and FIDO2 Server:

# Start RP Server
cd rpserver
./gradlew bootRun

# Start FIDO2 Server
cd fido2-demo/demo
./gradlew bootRun

Docker for demo

If you have Docker configured, you can use docker-compose.

# Start both RP Server and FIDO2 Server
docker-compose up

Once the applications are running, access the test page at:

Local DB

The FIDO2 Server uses H2 as an embedded DB in a local environment, which should be replaced with a standalone DB (like MySQL) for staging, beta, or production environments. Access the H2 web console at:


jar {
    processResources {

API Guides

Spring REST Docs

To view the API documentation, follow these steps:

  1. Execute the following commands:
    cd fido2-demo/demo
    ./gradlew makeRestDocs
    ./gradlew bootRun
  2. Access the API documentation at the following path:

Swagger UI

After running the applications, you can view API guide documents at the link below.

LINE WebAuthn Android and iOS

We are also providing Client SDK for Android/iOS applications. Please see below.

checkOrigin Configuration

The checkOrigin method validates the origin of requests from LINE's Android and iOS applications. It ensures security by checking that the request's origin matches a pre-configured list of allowed origins.

How to Configure To use the checkOrigin method, set up the allowed origins in the application.yml file. Here is an example configuration:

    - android:aaa-bbb
    - ios:aaa-bbb

Note: Replace aaa-bbb with the appropriate values for your application.

Important: This configuration is optional and only necessary when integrating with LINE WebAuthn for Android and iOS applications.


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