

React Graceful Image

An image component for gracefully dealing with image errors, by providing optional lazy loading, optional placeholder and configurable retries on failure. Particularly useful in situations where your application might be used in poor signal areas such as when travelling on a train, a bus or a car.


<table> <tr> <th>1</th> <th>2</th> <th>3</th> <th>4</th> </tr> <tr> <td><img src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16339741/35174790-8ebe4bcc-fd68-11e7-935b-f15407ef2d94.png' alt='browser broken image' width='200' height='129.411764706'></td> <td><img src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16339741/35175624-6aad9568-fd6c-11e7-9aa0-329a5d2b1728.png' alt='browser with placeholder image' width='200' height='129.411764706'></td> <td><img src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16339741/35175639-83d1a656-fd6c-11e7-9812-480c251acf98.png' alt='browser without placeholder image' width='200' height='129.411764706'></td> <td><img src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16339741/35177052-c962542e-fd74-11e7-8b46-325f444c7970.png' alt='browser with working image after retry' width='200' height='129.411764706'></td> </tr> </table>
  1. Default browser behaviour when image fails due to bad signal
  2. With react-graceful-image placeholder
  3. With react-graceful-image disabled placeholder
  4. With react-graceful-image retries - if the image fails to load, the package will gracefully re-attempt loading the image again

(note: these are not mutually exclusive, for example the default behaviour makes use of both 2 & 4 together.)


npm install --save react-graceful-image

Basic Usage

    alt='My awesome image'

Default Behaviour

  1. Render an SVG placeholder - if environment doesn't support SVG, then avoid rendering the placeholder
  2. Check if placeholder is within the visible viewport - if so then load the image
  3. If image loads successfully - display the image by fading it in
  4. If image fails to load - retry loading the image starting with a 2 second delay and doubling it with every retry (by default retry stops after 8 tries)

Prop Options

Any valid html image propAny valid html image propnonevalid html image prop
placeholderColorPlaceholder's color'#eee'string
noPlaceholderTurn off placeholder renderingfalsebool
customPlaceholderProvide a custom placeholder. This should be a function taking a ref and setting it on your custom placeholder so that its position could be observed within the viewportnullFunction returning a component
retryRetry algorithm's configuration, consisting of count, delay and accumulate{count: 8, delay: 2, accumulate: 'multiply'}object
onLoadCallback that will be invoked when an image loadsnonefunction
onErrorCallback that will be invoked after the retry algorithm has finished and the image still hasn't been loadednonefunction
noLazyLoadTurn off lazy loadingfalsebool


You can modify the default retry algorithm by supplying a retry prop consisting of 3 properties: count, delay and accumulate:



1: The below code snippet will display a grey placeholder until the user scrolls it into view at which point it will be lazily swapped in for the real image. If, however, the real image fails to load, then the retry algorithm is going to kick in and try loading the image again for a maximum of 8 times, with an initial delay of 2 seconds, which will then increase to 4 seconds, then to 8 seconds, then to 16 seconds, and so on (default retry configuration).

    alt='My awesome image'
    onLoad={ onLoadCallback }
    onError={ onErrorCallback }

2: The below code snippet will display a grey placeholder until the user scrolls it into view at which point it will be lazily swapped in for the real image. If, however, the real image fails to load, then the retry algorithm is going to kick in and try loading the image again for a maximum of 10 times, with a fixed 2 second delay in-between each retry.

    style={{ padding: '20px' }}
    alt='My awesome image'
    retry={{ count: 10, delay: 2 }}
    onLoad={ onLoadCallback }
    onError={ onErrorCallback }

3: The below code snippet will display, a custom, your own provided placeholder until the user scrolls it into view at which point it will be lazily swapped in for the real image. If, however, the real image fails to load, then the retry algorithm is going to kick in and try loading the image again for a maximum of 15 times, with initial delay of 3 seconds which will then increase to 6 seconds, then to 9 seconds, then to 12 seconds, and so on.

    style={{ padding: '20px' }}
    alt='My awesome image'
    customPlaceholder={ ref => <SomePlaceholder refProp={ ref } /> }
    retry={{ count: 15, delay: 3, accumulate: 'add' }}
    onLoad={ onLoadCallback }
    onError={ onErrorCallback }