


MGMT 590 Web Data Analytics final. We analyzed the correlation between mutual fund investment decision and earning call transcripts.

Instruction for running web scraping and correlation analysis

  1. Run 202_AddandDrops.ipynb to receate a list of company.
  2. Run 202_TranscriptScrapper.ipynb to extract earning call transcripts from Seeking Alpha
  3. Run 202_GoogleNaturelLanguageProcessing.ipynb to compute sentiment scores of transcripts
  4. Run 202_LogitModel.R to analyze the correlation among add/drop investment decision and other factors (sentiment scores and financial reports)

File list

  1. Data file: 202_dataset_advancescapital.csv
  2. Python code (Jupyter Notebook): 202_AddandDrops.ipynb, 202_TranscriptScrapper.ipynb, 202_GoogleNaturelLanguageProcessing.ipynb
  3. R code: 202_LogitModel.R
  4. Final report: 202_Earning Call Insights-Presentation.pptx, 202_Executive Summary_idea2.docx
