Cloud Storage Service
A gRPC service made with the Lile generator for storing object, files etc in cloud storage like Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3 or similar (PR's welcome!)
service CloudStorageService {
rpc Store(StoreRequest) returns (StorageObject) {}
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse) {}
The cloud storage service is for storing objects that other services may require or be used later by clients. An example would be uploading a photo along with a user account. In this scenario you would use the Store
method to store the object in cloud storage, which will return you a filename and url. You can then store this for later use by a browser or similar.
Be aware that for this url to work the bucket in question must be public.
Specific object ACL's and URL generation are coming soon.
Builds (based on Alpine) of master (after test runs) are available at
docker pull lileio/cloud_storage_service
Google Cloud Storage
The service will create the cloud storage bucket on first run if it doesn't exist
PR's are welcome. Testing currently is done end to end with communication with the services in question.