

<p align="center"> <img src="./AirBattery/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon_128x128@2x.png" width="200" height="200" /> <h1 align="center">AirBattery</h1> <h3 align="center">Get battery usage of all devices on Mac and show them on the Dock / StatusBar / Widgets!<br><a href="./README_zh.md">[中文版本]</a><br><a href="https://lihaoyun6.github.io/airbattery/">[Landing Page]</a></h3> </p>


<p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="./img/preview_dark.png"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="./img/preview.png"> <img alt="QuickRecorder Screenshots" src="./img/preview.png" width="840"/> </picture> </p>

Installation and Usage

System Requirements:


Download the latest installation file here or install via Homebrew:

brew install lihaoyun6/tap/airbattery



1. Why is my iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch not showing up?

Please make sure the iPhone / iPad has trusted this Mac (and connected the Mac with a data cable at least once while AirBattery is running to pair). Then just make sure it is on the same LAN as the Mac.

2. Does my Apple Watch need to be pre-connected?

No, when AirBattery detects a paired iPhone via WiFi or USB, it will automatically read the battery data of the Apple Watch paired with it (iPhone discovered via Bluetooth does not support reading the watch battery!)

3. Why do some device name have a ⚠️ symbol?

If this symbol appears, it means that the device has not updated its battery information for more than ten minutes, and may be offline or turned off.

4. My iPhone is not connected to WiFi, can I get the battery info?

Please install AirBattery v1.1.2 or higher, enable the iPhone / iPad(Cellular) over BT in the preferences, and keep the device's Bluetooth turned on (Only supports iPhone or cellular iPad!)

5. Why does AirBattery need Bluetooth permission?

AirBattery needs Bluetooth to capture packets from peripheral devices in order to parse their battery information.


<img src="./img/donate.png" width="350"/>


libimobiledevice @libimobiledevice

AirBattery uses executable files and runtime libraries compiled from libimobiledevice based on version 73b6fd1. Feel free to compile and replace them if in doubt.

comptest @nikias

AirBattery uses executable files compiled based on this source code. Feel free to compile and replace them if in doubt.

MultipeerKit @insidegui

AirBattery uses MultipeerKit for symmetric multi-end communication within the LAN

ChatGPT @OpenAI

Some of the code in this project is generated or refactored by ChatGPT.