


A ZSH theme that displays the following:

Sample Screenshot

A redacted example looks like this (Job Status changes and ***REBOOT REQUESTED*** are circled):


New feature - Reboot Notification!!

This will now let you know if you open a terminal that a reboot is requested. This is only checked on first launch of the terminal. The reboot check function for CentOS/Fedora depends on yum-utils or dnf-utils. Ubuntu checks for /var/run/reboot-required.

Worth mentioning

I'm new to ZSH and only started using it because Kali Linux decided to go that route and I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. I set up this theme based on how I had my bash prompt set up. I've tested on Fedora and CentOS which is what I mainly use. Ubuntu seems to work as well although it is not as extensively tested.

Enjoy 🙂 (or not 🤬)!! 💡