


burpbuddy exposes Burp Suites's extender API over the network through various mediums, with the goal of enabling development in any language without the restrictions of the JVM. See the wiki for more information.



A compiled and packaged Jar file is available here.

Building from Source

  1. Git clone this repo.
  2. Install gradle if you don't already have it. (For example, $ brew install gradle on OS X.)
  3. Run $ ./gradlew shadowJar in the project root to build the burpbuddy JAR in build/libs/burpbuddy-<VERSION>-all.jar.

Adding burpbuddy to Burp Suite

This is the standard process for adding any JAR Burp extension.

  1. In Burp Suite, go to the Extender tab and click the "Add" button.
  2. Click "Select file" and navigate to the downloaded or manually built burpbuddy JAR.
  3. You should see a message that the extension has successfully been loaded and an Output message in the message box like: "HTTP Server started on"
  4. Confirm that burpbuddy is running correctly: $ curl -i