

Ollama Translator Plugin


This Spigot Minecraft plugin, built with the currently newest Minecraft version 1.20.6, uses Ollama and Ollama4j to break language barriers on your Minecraft server. Whether players speak English, Spanish, or any other language, they can interact effortlessly, creating a better community and environment.

Java version

From now on with minecraft 1.20.6 minecraft/spigot etc. use Java 21!



To set up the Ollama Translator plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Install Ollama: Ollama is required for translation functionality. Visit Ollama GitHub page to download and install Ollama on your server.

  2. Pull a Model: After installing Ollama, pull a translation model such as Mistral or LLAMA2/3. Make sure to follow the instructions provided with Ollama to download and configure the desired model.

  3. Start Ollama Application: Ensure that the Ollama application is running on your server. Check that the API is reachable under the address specified in the options.yml file configured for the plugin.

  4. Configure Plugin: Configure the options.yml file for the Ollama Translator plugin according to your preferences and server setup.

  5. Restart/Reload Server: Restart or reload your Spigot Minecraft server to apply the changes.

  6. Start Translating: Once the setup is complete, the plugin will automatically translate player messages as per the configured settings.

Plugin Configuration

Before deploying the plugin, ensure you configure the following parameters in the options.yml file:

  configexists: true

  secondstimeout: 20
  modelname: mistral:instruct
  apiaddress: http://localhost:11434/

  enabled: true
  milliseconds: 1000
  message: §cPlease wait...

  canceloriginalmessage: true
  notify: true
  cancelmessage: §7Your message is being translated, please wait...
  targetlanguage: english
  broadcastmessage: '§r%PLAYER% §r: §r§b%TRANSLATION%'


  1. Start ollama and download the model of choice
  2. Install the plugin in your Spigot Minecraft server's plugins directory.
  3. Configure the options.yml file according to your preferences.
  4. Restart/Reload the server to apply the changes.
  5. Players' messages will now be automatically translated as per the configured settings.




This plugin is provided as is without any warranty. The developer holds no responsibility for any issues or damages arising from its usage.

Enjoy breaking down language barriers and creating a more inclusive gaming environment with the Spigot Minecraft Ollama Translator plugin!