Zookeeper-clj is a Clojure DSL for <a href="">Apache ZooKeeper</a>, which "<i>is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.</i>"
Out of the box ZooKeeper provides name service, configuration, and group membership. From these core services, higher-level distributed concurrency abstractions can be built, including distributed locks, distributed queues, barriers, leader-election, and transaction services as described in <a href="">ZooKeeper Recipes and Solutions</a> and the paper <a href="">"ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems"</a>.
Building these distributed concurrency abstractions is the goal of the Java-based <a href="">Menagerie</a> library and the, soon to be released, Clojure-based Avout library. Avout, in particular, provides distributed versions of Clojure's <a href="">Atom</a> and <a href="">Ref</a> concurrency primitives, as well as distributed implementations of <a href=",5,0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock.html">java.util.concurrent.lock.Lock</a> and <a href=",5,0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/ReadWriteLock.html">java.util.concurrent.lock.ReadWriteLock</a>.
Table of Contents
- <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a>
- <a href="#connect">connect function</a>
- <a href="#watchers">watchers</a>
- <a href="#create">create function</a>
- <a href="#async">asynchronous calls</a>
- <a href="#exists">exists function</a>
- <a href="#children">children function</a>
- <a href="#seq">sequential nodes</a>
- <a href="#data">data functions</a>
- <a href="#serialization">data serialization</a>
- <a href="#delete">delete functions</a>
- <a href="#acl">acl function</a>
- <a href="#group-membership">Group Membership Example</a>
- <a href="#leader-election">Leader Election Example</a>
- <a href="#barrier">Barrier Example</a>
- <a href="#running-zookeeper">Running ZooKeeper</a>
- <a href="#testing">Testing</a>
- <a href="#contributing">Contributing</a>
- <a href="#ref">References</a>
<a name="getting-started"></a>
Getting Started
To run these examples, first start a local instance of ZooKeeper on port 2181, see <a href="#running-zookeeper">instructions below</a>, and include zookeeper-clj as a dependency by adding the following to your Leiningen project.clj file:
<a name="connect"></a>
connect function
First require the zookeeper namespace and create a client with the connect function.
(require '[zookeeper :as zk])
(def client (zk/connect ""))
The connection string is the name, or IP address, and port of the ZooKeeper server. Several host:port pairs can be included as a comma seperated list. The port can be left off if it is 2181.
The connection to the ZooKeeper server can be closed with the close function.
(zk/close client)
<a name="watchers"></a>
A watcher function that takes a single event map argument can be passed to connect, which will be invoked as a result of changes of keeper-state, or as a result of other events.
(def client (zk/connect "" :watcher (fn [event] (println event))))
if the :watch? flag is set to true when using the exists, children, or data functions, the default watcher function will be triggered under the following circumstances.
- exists: the watch will be triggered by a successful operation that creates/deletes the node or sets the data on the node.
- children: the watch will be triggered by a successful operation that deletes the node of the given path or creates/deletes a child under the node.
- data: the watch will be triggered by a successful operation that sets data on the node, or deletes the node.
The default watcher function can be overriden with a custom function by passing it as the :watcher argument to the exists, children, or data functions.
The argument to the watcher function is a map with three keys: :event-type, :keeper-state, and :path.
- event-type: :NodeDeleted, :NodeDataChanged, :NodeCreated, :NodeChildrenChanged, :None
- keeper-state: :AuthFailed, :Unknown, :SyncConnected, :Disconnected, :Expired, :NoSyncConnected
- path: the path to the node in question, may be nil
NOTE: Watches are one time triggers; if you get a watch event and you want to get notified of future changes, you must set another watch.
<a name="create"></a>
create function
Next, create a node called "/parent-node"
(zk/create client "/parent-node" :persistent? true)
;; => "/parent-node"
Setting the :persistent? flag to true creates a persistent node, meaning one that will persist even after the client that created it is no longer connected. By default, nodes are ephemeral (i.e. :persistent? false) and will be deleted if the client that created them is disconnected (this is key to how ZooKeeper is used to build robust distributed systems).
A node must be persistent if you want it to have child nodes.
<a name="async"></a>
asynchronous calls
Most of the zookeeper functions can be called asynchronously by setting the :async? option to true, or by providing an explicit callback function with the :callback option. When invoked asynchronously, each function will return a promise that will eventually contain the result of the call (a map with the following keys: :return-code, :path, :context, :name).
(def result-promise (zk/create client "/parent-node" :persistent? true :async? true))
Dereferencing the promise will block until a result is returned.
If a :callback function is passed, the promise will be returned with the result map and the callback will be invoked with the same map.
(def result-promise (zk/create client "/parent-node" :persistent? true :callback (fn [result] (println result))))
<a name="exists"></a>
exists function
We can check the existence of the newly created node with the exists function.
(zk/exists client "/parent-node")
The exists function returns nil if the node does not exist, and returns a map with the following keys if it does: :numChildren, :ephemeralOwner, :cversion, :mzxid, :czxid, :dataLength, :ctime, :version, :aversion, :mtime, :pzxid. See the ZooKeeper documentation for description of each field.
The exists function accepts the :watch?, :watcher, :async?, and :callback options. The watch functions will be triggered by a successful operation that creates/deletes the node or sets the data on the node.
<a name="children"></a>
children function
Next, create a child node for "/parent-node"
(zk/create client "/parent-node/child-node")
;; => "/parent-node/child-node"
Since the :persistent? flag wasn't set to true, this node will be ephemeral, meaning it will be deleted if the client that created it is disconnected.
A list of a node's children can be retrieved with the children function.
(zk/children client "/parent-node")
;; => ("child-node")
If the node has no children, nil will be returned, and if the node doesn't exist, false will be returned.
The children function accepts the :watch?, :watcher, :async?, and :callback options. The watch function will be triggered by a successful operation that deletes the node of the given path or creates/delete a child under the node.
<a name="seq"></a>
sequential nodes
If the :sequential? option is set to true when a node is created, a ten digit sequential ID is appended to the name of the node (it's idiomatic to include a dash as the last character of a sequential node's name).
(zk/create-all client "/parent/child-" :sequential? true)
;; => "/parent/child-0000000000"
The create-all function creates the parent nodes if they don't already exist, here we used it to create the "/parent" node.
The sequence ID increases monotonically for a given parent directory.
(zk/create client "/parent/child-" :sequential? true)
;; => "/parent/child-0000000001"
(zk/create client "/parent/child-" :sequential? true)
;; => "/parent/child-0000000002"
The zookeeper.util namespace contains functions for extracting IDs from sequential nodes and sorting them.
(require '[zookeeper.util :as util])
(util/extract-id (first (zk/children client "/parent")))
;; => 2
The order of the child nodes return from children is arbitrary, but the nodes can be sorted with the sort-sequential-nodes function.
(util/sort-sequential-nodes (zk/children client "/parent"))
;; => ("child-0000000000" "child-0000000001" "child-0000000002")
<a name="data"></a>
data functions
Each node has a data field that can hold a byte array, which is limited to 1M is size.
The set-data function is used to insert data. The set-data function takes a version number, which needs to match the current data version. The current version is a field in the map returned by the exists function.
(def version (:version (zk/exists client "/parent")))
(zk/set-data client "/parent" (.getBytes "hello world" "UTF-8") version)
The data function is used to retrieve the data stored in a node.
(zk/data client "/parent")
;; => {:data ..., :stat {...}}
The data function returns a map with two fields, :data and :stat. The :stat value is the same map returned by the exists function. The :data value is a byte array.
(String. (:data (zk/data client "/parent")) "UTF-8")
;; => "hello world"
The data function accepts the :watch?, :watcher, :async?, and :callback options. The watch function will be triggered by a successful operation that sets data on the node, or deletes the node.
<a name="serialization"></a>
data serialization
The namespace contains functions for serializing different primitive types to and from byte arrays.
(require '[ :as data])
(def version (:version (zk/exists client "/parent")))
(zk/set-data client "/parent" (data/to-bytes 1234) version)
(data/to-long (:data (zk/data client "/parent")))
;; => 1234
The following types have been extended to support the to-bytes method: String, Integer, Double, Long, Float, Character. The following functions can be used to convert byte arrays back to their respective types: to-string, to-int, to-double, to-long, to-float, to-short, and to-char.
Clojure forms can be written to and read from the data field using pr-str and read-string, respectively.
(zk/set-data client "/parent" (data/to-bytes (pr-str {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3})) 2)
(read-string (data/to-string (:data (zk/data client "/parent"))))
;; => {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
<a name="delete"></a>
delete functions
Nodes can be deleted with the delete function.
(zk/delete client "/parent/child-node")
The delete function takes an optional version number, the delete will succeed if the node exists at the given version. the default version value is -1, which matches any version number.
The delete function accepts the :async? and :callback options.
Nodes that have children cannot be deleted. Two convenience functions, delete-children and delete-all, can be used to delete all of a node's children or delete a node and all of it's children, respectively.
(delete-all client "/parent")
<a name="acl"></a>
ACL functions
The acl function takes a scheme, id value, and a set of permissions. The following schemes are built in.
- world has a single id, anyone, that represents anyone.
- auth doesn't use any id, represents any authenticated user.
- digest uses a username:password string to generate an MD5 hash which is then used as an ACL ID identity. Authentication is done by sending the username:password in clear text. When used in the ACL the expression will be the username:base64 encoded SHA1 password digest.
- host uses the client host name as an ACL ID identity. The ACL expression is a hostname suffix. For example, the ACL expression matches the ids and, but not
- ip uses the client host IP as an ACL ID identity. The ACL expression is of the form addr/bits where the most significant bits of addr are matched against the most significant bits of the client host IP.
The folllowing permissions are supported:
- :create: you can create a child node
- :read: you can get data from a node and list its children.
- :write: you can set data for a node
- :delete: you can delete a child node
- :admin: you can set permissions
Below are examples of each ACL scheme.
(zk/acl "world" "anyone" :read :create :delete :admin :write)
(zk/acl "ip" "" :read :create :delete :admin :write)
(zk/acl "host" "" :admin :read :write :delete :create)
(zk/acl "auth" "" :read :create :delete :admin :write)
There are five convenience functions for creating ACLs of each scheme, world-acl, auth-acl, digest-acl, host-acl, and ip-acl.
(zk/world-acl :read :delete :write)
When no permissions are provided, the following are used by default: :read, :create, :delete, :write -- but not :admin.
(zk/ip-acl "")
(zk/digest-acl "david:secret" :read :delete :write)
(zk/host-acl "" :read :delete :write)
(zk/auth-acl :read :delete :write)
A list of ACLs can be passed as an option to the create function.
(zk/create client "/protected-node" :acl [(zk/auth-acl :admin :create :read :delete :write)])
In the above example, only the user that created the node has permissions on it. In order to authenticate a user, authentication info must be added to a client connection with the add-auth-info function.
(zk/add-auth-info client "digest" "david:secret")
If an unauthorized client tries to access the node, a org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException exception will be thrown.
<a name="group-membership"></a>
Group Membership Example
(def group-name "/example-group")
(def client (zk/connect ""))
(when-not (zk/exists client group-name)
(zk/create client group-name :persistent? true))
This watcher will be called every time the children of the "/example-group" node are changed. Each time it is called it will print the children and add itself as the watcher.
(defn group-watcher [x]
(let [group (zk/children client group-name :watcher group-watcher)]
(prn "Group members: " group)))
Create a new node for this member and add a watcher for changes to the children of "/example-group".
(defn join-group [name]
(do (zk/create client (str group-name "/" name))
(zk/children client group-name :watcher group-watcher)))
Run this Example
(use '
(join-group "bob")
From another REPL run:
(use '
(join-group "sue")
And from another REPL run:
(use '
(join-group "dan")
Each REPL will print the group members as each one joins the group. Kill any process and the remaining processes will print the remaining group members.
<a name="leader-election"></a>
Leader Election Example
(def root-znode "/election")
(def client (zk/connect ""))
(when-not (zk/exists client root-znode)
(zk/create client root-znode :persistent? true))
(defn node-from-path [path]
(.substring path (inc (count root-znode))))
(declare elect-leader)
The predecessor for Node A is the node that has the highest id that is < the id of Node A. watch-predecessor is called when the predecessor node changes. If this node is deleted and was the leader, then the watching node becomes the new leader.
(defn watch-predecessor [me pred leader {:keys [event-type path]}]
(if (and (= event-type :NodeDeleted) (= (node-from-path path) leader))
(println "I am the leader!")
(if-not (zk/exists client (str root-znode "/" pred)
:watcher (partial watch-predecessor me pred leader))
(elect-leader me))))
(defn predecessor [me coll]
(ffirst (filter #(= (second %) me) (partition 2 1 coll))))
If the node associated with the current process is not the leader then add a watch to the predecessor.
(defn elect-leader [me]
(let [members (util/sort-sequential-nodes (zk/children client root-znode))
leader (first members)]
(print "I am" me)
(if (= me leader)
(println " and I am the leader!")
(let [pred (predecessor me members)]
(println " and my predecessor is:" pred)
(if-not (zk/exists client (str root-znode "/" pred)
:watcher (partial watch-predecessor me pred leader))
(elect-leader me))))))
(defn join-group []
(let [me (node-from-path (zk/create client (str root-znode "/n-") :sequential? true))]
(elect-leader me)))
Evaluate the following forms in any number of REPLs and then kill each one in any order.
(use 'examples.leader-election)
<a name="barrier"></a>
Barrier Example
Distributed systems use barriers to block processing of a set of nodes until a condition is met at which time all the nodes are allowed to proceed.
The following is an implementation of a double barrier based on the algorithm from the <a href="">ZooKeeper Recipes</a> page.
(require '[zookeeper :as zk])
(import '( InetAddress))
(defn enter-barrier
([client n f & {:keys [barrier-node proc-name double-barrier?]
:or {barrier-node "/barrier"
proc-name (.getCanonicalHostName (InetAddress/getLocalHost))
double-barrier? true}}]
(let [mutex (Object.)
watcher (fn [event] (locking mutex (.notify mutex)))]
(locking mutex
(zk/create-all client (str barrier-node "/" proc-name))
(if (>= (count (zk/children client barrier-node)) n)
(zk/create client (str barrier-node "/ready") :async? true)
(do (zk/exists client (str barrier-node "/ready") :watcher watcher :async? true)
(.wait mutex)))
(let [results (f)]
(if double-barrier?
(exit-barrier client :barrier-node barrier-node :proc-name proc-name)
(zk/delete-all client barrier-node))
If the :double-barrier? option is set to true, then exit-barrier is called which blocks until all the processes have completed.
(defn exit-barrier
([client & {:keys [barrier-node proc-name]
:or {barrier-node "/barrier"
proc-name (.getCanonicalHostName (InetAddress/getLocalHost))}}]
(let [mutex (Object.)
watcher (fn [event] (locking mutex (.notify mutex)))]
(zk/delete client (str barrier-node "/ready"))
(locking mutex
(loop []
(when-let [children (seq (sort (or (zk/children client barrier-node) nil)))]
;; the last node deletes itself and the barrier node, letting all the processes exit
(= (count children) 1)
(zk/delete-all client barrier-node)
;; first node watches the second, waiting for it to be deleted
(= proc-name (first children))
(do (when (zk/exists client
(str barrier-node "/" (second children))
:watcher watcher)
(.wait mutex))
;; rest of the nodes delete their own node, and then watch the
;; first node, waiting for it to be deleted
(do (zk/delete client (str barrier-node "/" proc-name))
(when (zk/exists client
(str barrier-node "/" (first children))
:watcher watcher)
(.wait mutex))
Example Usage
(require '[zookeeper :as zk])
(use 'examples.barrier)
(def client (zk/connect ""))
(enter-barrier client 2 #(println "First process is running"))
The call to enter-barrier will block until there are N=2 processes in the barrier. From another REPL, execute the following, and then both processes will run and exit the barrier.
(require '[zookeeper :as zk])
(use 'examples.barrier)
(def client (zk/connect ""))
(enter-barrier client 2 #(println "Second process is running") :proc-name "node2")
<a name="running-zookeeper"></a>
Running ZooKeeper
Download Apache ZooKeeper from <a href=""></a>.
Unpack to $ZOOKEEPER_HOME (wherever you would like that to be).
Here's an example conf file for a standalone instance, by default ZooKeeper will look for it in $ZOOKEEPER_HOME/conf/zoo.cfg
# The number of milliseconds of each tick
# the directory where the snapshot is stored.
# the port at which the clients will connect
Ensure that the dataDir exists and is writable.
After creating and customizing the conf file, start ZooKeeper
$ZOOKEEPER_HOME/bin/ start
<a name="testing"></a>
'lein test' task is using an embedded instance of ZooKeeper.
<a name="contributing" /> ## ContributingAlthough Zookeeper-clj is not part of Clojure-Contrib, it follows the same guidelines for contributing, which includes signing a <a href="">Clojure Contributor Agreement</a> (CA) before contributions can be accepted.
<a name="ref"></a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper Website</a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper Programming Guide</a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper 3.3.3 API</a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper Tutorial</a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems</a>
- <a href="">ZooKeeper Recipes and Solutions</a>
- <a href="">Menagerie Library</a>
- <a href="">Avout Library</a>
zookeper-clj is Copyright © 2011 David Liebke and Relevance, Inc
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.