

Quality Assessment of In-the-Wild Videos



VSFA code for the following papers:

Intra-Database Experiments (Training and Evaluating)

Feature extraction

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python CNNfeatures.py --database=KoNViD-1k --frame_batch_size=64

You need to specify the database and change the corresponding videos_dir.

Quality prediction

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python VSFA.py --database=KoNViD-1k --exp_id=0

You need to specify the database and exp_id.


tensorboard --logdir=logs --port=6006 # in the server (host:port)
ssh -p port -L 6006:localhost:6006 user@host # in your PC. See the visualization in your PC

Reproduced results

We set seeds for the random generators and re-run the experiments on the same ten splits, i.e., the first 10 splits (exp_id=0~9). The results may be still not the same among different version of PyTorch. See randomness@Pytorch Docs

The reproduced overall results are better than the previous results published in the paper. We add learning rate scheduling in the updated code. Better hyper-parameters may be set, if you "look" at the training loss curve and the curves of validation results.

The mean (std) values of the first ten index splits (60%:20%:20% train:val:test)

SROCC0.7728 (0.0189)0.8698 (0.0368)0.7726 (0.0611)
KROCC0.5784 (0.0194)0.6950 (0.0465)0.5871 (0.0620)
PLCC0.7754 (0.0192)0.8678 (0.0315)0.7954 (0.0553)
RMSE0.4205 (0.0211)10.8572 (1.3518)7.5495 (0.7017)

Test Demo

The model weights provided in models/VSFA.pt are the saved weights when running the 9-th split of KoNViD-1k.

python test_demo.py --video_path=test.mp4


conda create -n reproducibleresearch pip python=3.6
source activate reproducibleresearch
pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
source deactive

Note: The codes can also be directly run on PyTorch 1.3.


Dingquan Li, dingquanli AT pku DOT edu DOT cn.