

Green Flying Panda

Magento© Sales Automation Tool

Check the website Green Flying Panda for a more marketing oriented https://www.greenflyingpanda.com/ introduction

When considering all of the online tools and digital marketing techniques that are currently at our service, it is clear that using a one-size-fits-all marketing strategy is far from the best practice. The online sales competition is too extended, and most big companies already have some sort of sales automation system. How to top them? Go back to focusing on the customer as an individual. Or, better yet, go forward, with Sales & Marketing Automation Suite.

Traditional sales are based on a personal interchange between the seller and the client but, with the evolution of online sales, the scales have magnified, and it became impossible to maintain that proximity. That is, until now. his extension was built precisely with the goal to strengthen that one-on-one relation you should have with your customer.


Customer Segments

Manually creating different campaigns for each customer would be impossible for a big company, but the answer is not generalizing – it's segmenting. Create smaller groups of customers who share common conditions you choose (like age, search history, previous purchases, etc.) – this will result in a subset of customers with the same or similar needs. This way, you can customize your campaign for each segment instead of for each client, without losing the personal approach.

Manage Segment Access Restrict access to pages, products, product categories and blocks to certain segments. This feature is useful to create Private Sales for chosen customers.

Track Segments' Evolution This feature presents daily records of the number of customers or subscribers in each segment and calculates its evolution.

Product Recommendations

Study customer's activity information and patterns to build customized recommendations–this way, customers will only see the recommendations that interest them. Recommendation options are:

Email & SMS Campaigns

Create campaigns with promotions, coupons, special prices, etc. to gather new or maintain frequent customers. Define different design templates depending on your target audience, incorporate forms, and insert automatic personal recommendations to each customer.

Track Conversions Conversions are the sales amount generated by each campaign, determined by the number of purchases made after clicking its link. Keeping track of these numbers is crucial to understand each campaign’s progress and adapt it according to its response.

Dynamic Deployment If your customer’s usage rule matches a certain hour in the afternoon, schedule your Emails for that time to ensure they don’t miss the campaign.

Recurring Campaigns Define sending dates and frequency to create automatically recurring campaigns.

Send Follow-Ups Follow-Ups are attached to any non-recurring campaigns. Use them to engage your subscribers based on segments or their action towards the original campaign.

Track Reports Detailed campaign reports with information in real-time.

Info Windows

Highly customizable widgets that allow you to display any additional information in your store in an easy and non-disturbing way. Define start and end dates for Info Windows and how often each customer should view them.

Window Formats:

Equity, Lifetime Value & Dynamic Pricing

Not every customer makes regular and expensive purchases, which unfortunately means that you can’t afford the same costs to maintain all of them, so it’s important to determine each customer’s value to your company to predict their future in your company before making decisions.

There are numerous ways to calculate these values but, because your company is unique, so is the formula with which you obtain them. Nevertheless, the extension presents several variables that can be useful to create formulas, like Average Customer Lifespan, Retention Rate, Average Revenue, etc.


It is important to interpret campaign results to identify possible errors and improve future transactions – the extension presents detailed reports on all store actions and statistics, so you can keep track of your company’s progress.

Sales Orders Displays all orders made in your store and their statistics.

Expected Reorders Predicts customers' reorders based on their recurring purchases – send reorder reminders with autoresponders (more below).

Product Performance Shows how each product in your store is performing in comparison to others.

Attribute Performance Expands the overview of your sales performance by giving you Key Indicators based on product attributes.

Product Relations Lists and displays pie charts with the 25 most purchased products along with the product you search.

Venn Relations Product relations in the form of Venn diagrams – view up to 5 different products in a diagram and understand how they relate and affect each other.

Recommendations Reports Lists all records in the Recommendation Engine in an easy-to-read manner.

Search Cloud Lists all search queries by size. Click on each word to view full search reports.

Search Performance Lists keywords used in queries and the number of times they were used.

Search Venn Relations Compare search words to see if and how they relate to each other.

Email & SMS – Autoresponders

Autoresponders are chained actions that are triggered by customer or subscriber activity. You can define and customize these actions and time them to fit into your needs. In this extension, the autoresponder feature functions dynamically – you can drag actions into any position and order, which allows you to create very specific autoresponders.

Send Reorder Reminders Define the expected lifespan of products to predict when your customer will repurchase. Based on this prediction, you can send autoresponders a certain amount of days before the lifespan is reached so your customers will be reminded to replace the product.

Abandoned Shopping Cart Create an autoresponder for when an abandoned cart appears to increase its recovery.

The full list of autoresponder triggers:

Chained actions

Cancellation events

Chained events can be stopped by one of the following events:


Use forms to improve the relationship with your customers and let them decide what information they want to receive, how and when. Forms can be added to any block and page! Create forms to be used in the frontend by your customers or create backend forms that are to be filled by the store admins and that information is to be shown in the frontend to customers (events list, news, etc,)

Add a variety of form elements

Variety of element options

Create a form to show in the “Account/manage Newsletter” page and in the “Manage Subscription” newsletter footer link

Create a custom templates

Customers KPIs

View detailed information about your customer! Sales & Marketing Automation Suite features a thorough customer database containing all statistics of your customers’ store activity and demographic attributes. With these Key Performance Indicators, you can forecast customers’ purchase dates, products, and value, and keep track of your profits and losses for each customer! You can decide which KPI’s in the list below are displayed in each customer’s profile and customize your own using formulas. Choose between many pre-built KPI's


Check all the extension features in our online demo:



username: demo

password: demo12323


You can install this plugin through Composer:

composer require licentia/panda
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento cache:clean


Magento 2.3.X


  1. Open a new issue on this repository
  2. Download the Manual
  3. Check the KB


GNU General Public License V3.