




 { path: 'builds',
     filename: 'bundle.js',
     publicPath: 'builds/',
     chunkFilename: '[id].bundle.js',
     library: '',
     hotUpdateFunction: 'webpackHotUpdate',
     jsonpFunction: 'webpackJsonp',
     libraryTarget: 'var',
     sourceMapFilename: '[file].map[query]',
     hotUpdateChunkFilename: '[id].[hash].hot-update.js',
     hotUpdateMainFilename: '[hash].hot-update.json',
     crossOriginLoading: false,
     hashFunction: 'md5',
     hashDigest: 'hex',
     hashDigestLength: 20,
     devtoolLineToLine: false,
     strictModuleExceptionHandling: false }


<pre> { entry: './src', output: { path: 'builds', filename: 'bundle.js', publicPath: 'builds/', chunkFilename: '[id].bundle.js', library: '', hotUpdateFunction: 'webpackHotUpdate', jsonpFunction: 'webpackJsonp', libraryTarget: 'var', sourceMapFilename: '[file].map[query]', hotUpdateChunkFilename: '[id].[hash].hot-update.js', hotUpdateMainFilename: '[hash].hot-update.json', crossOriginLoading: false, hashFunction: 'md5', hashDigest: 'hex', hashDigestLength: 20, devtoolLineToLine: false, strictModuleExceptionHandling: false }, plugins: [ CommonsChunkPlugin { chunkNames: 'vendor', filenameTemplate: 'vendor.bundle.js', minChunks: 2, selectedChunks: undefined, async: undefined, minSize: undefined, ident: 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\webpack-chunkfilename\\node_mo dules\\webpack\\lib\\optimize\\CommonsChunkPlugin.js0' }, HtmlWebpackPlugin { options: [Object], childCompilerHash: '729d3caf962246f308dc6d5b1542a9ae', childCompilationOutputName: 'index.html' } ], module: { loaders: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], unknownContextRequest: '.', unknownContextRegExp: false, unknownContextRecursive: true, unknownContextCritical: true, exprContextRequest: '.', exprContextRegExp: false, exprContextRecursive: true, exprContextCritical: true, wrappedContextRegExp: /.*/, wrappedContextRecursive: true, wrappedContextCritical: false, unsafeCache: true }, bail: false, profile: false, context: 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\webpack-chunkfilename', devtool: false, cache: true, target: 'web', <!--webpack中加入了node模块--> node: { console: false, process: true, global: true, Buffer: true, setImmediate: true, __filename: 'mock', __dirname: 'mock' }, performance: { maxAssetSize: 250000, maxEntrypointSize: 250000, hints: false } , resolve: { unsafeCache: true, modules: [ 'node_modules' ], extensions: [ '.js', '.json' ], aliasFields: [ 'browser' ], mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', 'main' ] }, resolveLoader: { unsafeCache: true, mainFields: [ 'loader', 'main' ], extensions: [ '.js', '.json' ] } } </pre>



 var webpackStatsJson = compilation.getStats().toJson();
  // Use the configured public path or build a relative path
  var publicPath = typeof compilation.options.output.publicPath !== 'undefined'
    // If a hard coded public path exists use it
    ? compilation.mainTemplate.getPublicPath({hash: webpackStatsJson.hash})
    // If no public path was set get a relative url path
    // 这个publicPath是可以使用hash的
    : path.relative(path.resolve(compilation.options.output.path, path.dirname(self.childCompilationOutputName)), compilation.options.output.path)
    //self.childCompilationOutputName得到的"index.html",dirname得到的是".",所以resolve结果为" C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\webpack-chunkfilename\builds"
    if (publicPath.length && publicPath.substr(-1, 1) !== '/') {
      publicPath += '/';



if (childCompilation && childCompilation.errors && childCompilation.errors.length) {
        var errorDetails = childCompilation.errors.map(function (error) {
          return error.message + (error.error ? ':\n' + error.error : '');
        reject(new Error('Child compilation failed:\n' + errorDetails));


3.开启的child compiler如何对文件中的hash等进行替换得到最终文件名

   var outputName = compilation.mainTemplate.applyPluginsWaterfall('asset-path', outputOptions.filename, {
          hash: childCompilation.hash,
          chunk: entries[0]
          //因为上面提供的是SingleEntryPlugin ·


4.如何加载本地文件系统的文件然后开启一个新的child c compiler

HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.getFullTemplatePath = function (template, context) {
  // If the template doesn't use a loader use the lodash template loader
  if (template.indexOf('!') === -1) {
    template = require.resolve('./lib/loader.js') + '!' + path.resolve(context, template);
  // Resolve template path
  return template.replace(
    function (match, prefix, filepath, postfix) {
      return prefix + path.resolve(filepath) + postfix;
    new NodeTemplatePlugin(outputOptions),
    new NodeTargetPlugin(),
    new LibraryTemplatePlugin('HTML_WEBPACK_PLUGIN_RESULT', 'var'),
    new SingleEntryPlugin(this.context, template),
    new LoaderTargetPlugin('node')


C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\webpack-chunkfilename\node_modules\html-webpack-plugin\lib\loader.js!C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\w ebpack-chunkfilename\node_modules\html-webpack-plugin\default_index.ejs





<pre> [ { id: 0,//chunk id rendered: true, initial: false,//require.ensure产生,非initial entry: false,//非入口文件 recorded: undefined, extraAsync: false, size: 296855,//chunk大小,比特 names: [],//require.ensure不是通过webpack配置的,所以chunk的names是空 files: [ '0.bundle.js' ],//该chunk产生的文件 hash: '42fbfbea594ba593e76a',//chunk的hash parents: [ 2 ],//父级chunk origins: [ [Object] ] }, { id: 1, rendered: true, initial: false,//require.ensure产生,非initial entry: false,//非入口文件 recorded: undefined, extraAsync: false, size: 297181,//chunk大小,比特 names: [], files: [ '1.bundle.js' ],//产生的文件 hash: '456d05301e4adca16986',//chunk的hash parents: [ 2 ], origins: [ [Object] ] }, { id: 2, rendered: true, initial: true,//commonchunkplugin产生或者入口文件产生 entry: false,//非入口文件 recorded: undefined, extraAsync: false, size: 687,//chunk大小,比特 names: [ 'main' ], files: [ 'bundle.js' ],//产生的文件 hash: '248029a0cfd99f46babc',//chunk的hash parents: [ 3 ], origins: [ [Object] ] }, { id: 3, rendered: true, initial: true,//monchunkplugin产生或者入口文件产生 entry: true,//commonchunkplugin把webpack执行环境抽取出来 recorded: undefined, extraAsync: false, size: 0,//chunk大小,比特 names: [ 'vendor' ], files: [ 'vendor.bundle.js' ],//产生的文件 hash: 'fbf76c7c330eaf0de943',//chunk的hash parents: [], origins: [] } ] </pre>




HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.filterChunks = function (chunks, includedChunks, excludedChunks) {
  return chunks.filter(function (chunk) {
    var chunkName = chunk.names[0];
    // This chunk doesn't have a name. This script can't handled it.
    if (chunkName === undefined) {
      return false;
    // Skip if the chunk should be lazy loaded
    if (!chunk.initial) {
      return false;
    // Skip if the chunks should be filtered and the given chunk was not added explicity
    if (Array.isArray(includedChunks) && includedChunks.indexOf(chunkName) === -1) {
      return false;
    // Skip if the chunks should be filtered and the given chunk was excluded explicity
    if (Array.isArray(excludedChunks) && excludedChunks.indexOf(chunkName) !== -1) {
      return false;
    // Add otherwise
    return true;


 * Sorts the chunks based on the chunk id.
 * @param  {Array} chunks the list of chunks to sort
 * @return {Array} The sorted list of chunks
 * entry chunk在前,两个都是entry那么id大的在前
module.exports.id = function (chunks) {
  return chunks.sort(function orderEntryLast (a, b) {
    if (a.entry !== b.entry) {
      return b.entry ? 1 : -1;
    } else {
      return b.id - a.id;



  Sorts dependencies between chunks by their "parents" attribute.
  This function sorts chunks based on their dependencies with each other.
  The parent relation between chunks as generated by Webpack for each chunk
  is used to define a directed (and hopefully acyclic) graph, which is then
  topologically sorted in order to retrieve the correct order in which
  chunks need to be embedded into HTML. A directed edge in this graph is
  describing a "is parent of" relationship from a chunk to another (distinct)
  chunk. Thus topological sorting orders chunks from bottom-layer chunks to
  highest level chunks that use the lower-level chunks.

  @param {Array} chunks an array of chunks as generated by the html-webpack-plugin.
  It is assumed that each entry contains at least the properties "id"
  (containing the chunk id) and "parents" (array containing the ids of the
  parent chunks).
  @return {Array} A topologically sorted version of the input chunks
module.exports.dependency = function (chunks) {
  if (!chunks) {
    return chunks;
  // We build a map (chunk-id -> chunk) for faster access during graph building.
  // 通过chunk-id -> chunk这种Map结构更加容易绘制图
  var nodeMap = {};
  chunks.forEach(function (chunk) {
    nodeMap[chunk.id] = chunk;
  // Next, we add an edge for each parent relationship into the graph
  var edges = [];
  chunks.forEach(function (chunk) {
    if (chunk.parents) {
      // Add an edge for each parent (parent -> child)
      chunk.parents.forEach(function (parentId) {
        // webpack2 chunk.parents are chunks instead of string id(s)
        var parentChunk = _.isObject(parentId) ? parentId : nodeMap[parentId];
        // If the parent chunk does not exist (e.g. because of an excluded chunk)
        // we ignore that parent
        if (parentChunk) {
          edges.push([parentChunk, chunk]);
  // We now perform a topological sorting on the input chunks and built edges
  return toposort.array(chunks, edges);






<pre> [ { name: '0.bundle.js', size: 299109, chunks: [ 0, 3 ], <!-- 公共模块被抽取到vendor.bundle.js --> chunkNames: [], emitted: undefined, isOverSizeLimit: undefined }, { name: '1.bundle.js', size: 299469, chunks: [ 1, 3 ], chunkNames: [], emitted: undefined, isOverSizeLimit: undefined }, { name: 'bundle.js', <!-- 产生的文件名称 --> size: 968, <!-- 文件大小 --> chunks: [ 2, 3 ], <!-- 这个输出资源对应的chunk(有一部分被提取到vendor.js,如runtime) --> chunkNames: [ 'main' ], <!-- 这个输出资源对应的chunk的名称 --> emitted: undefined, <!-- 是否又重新生成了该emitted,用于判断资源有没有变化 --> isOverSizeLimit: undefined }, { name: 'vendor.bundle.js', size: 5562, chunks: [ 3 ], chunkNames: [ 'vendor' ], emitted: undefined, isOverSizeLimit: undefined }] </pre>


compiler.plugin("done", function(stats) {
    this._sendStats(this.sockets, stats.toJson(clientStats));
    this._stats = stats;
Server.prototype._sendStats = function(sockets, stats, force) {
  if(!force &&
    stats &&
    (!stats.errors || stats.errors.length === 0) &&
    stats.assets &&
    stats.assets.every(function(asset) {
      return !asset.emitted;
    return this.sockWrite(sockets, "still-ok");
  this.sockWrite(sockets, "hash", stats.hash);
  if(stats.errors.length > 0)
    this.sockWrite(sockets, "errors", stats.errors);
  else if(stats.warnings.length > 0)
    this.sockWrite(sockets, "warnings", stats.warnings);
    this.sockWrite(sockets, "ok");





 { id: 10,
   identifier: 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\webpack-chunkfilename\\node_
   name: './src/Components/Header.html',//模块名称,已经转化为相对于根目录的路径
   index: 10,
   index2: 8,
   size: 62,
   cacheable: true,//缓存
   built: true,
   optional: false,
   prefetched: false,
   chunks: [ 0 ],//在那个chunk中出现
   assets: [],
   issuer: 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\webpack-chunkfilename\\node_modu
   issuerId: 1,//发起者id
   issuerName: './src/Components/Header.js',//发起者相对于根目录的路径
   profile: undefined,
   failed: false,
   errors: 0,
   warnings: 0,
   reasons: [ [Object] ],
   usedExports: [ 'default' ],
   providedExports: null,
   depth: 2,
   source: 'module.exports = "<header class=\\"header\\">{{text}}</header>";' }//source是模块内容



 var assets = {
    // The public path
    publicPath: publicPath,
    // Will contain all js & css files by chunk
    chunks: {},
    // Will contain all js files
    js: [],
    // Will contain all css files
    css: [],
    // Will contain the html5 appcache manifest files if it exists
    //这里是application cache文件,这里不是文件内容是文件的名称。key就是文件名称
    manifest: Object.keys(compilation.assets).filter(function (assetFile) {
      return path.extname(assetFile) === '.appcache';


 var chunkFiles = [].concat(chunk.files).map(function (chunkFile) {
      return publicPath + chunkFile;
    var css = chunkFiles.filter(function (chunkFile) {
      // Some chunks may contain content hash in their names, for ex. 'main.css?1e7cac4e4d8b52fd5ccd2541146ef03f'.
      // We must proper handle such cases, so we use regexp testing here
      return /.css($|\?)/.test(chunkFile);


 * Appends a cache busting hash
 self.appendHash(assets.manifest, webpackStatsJson.hash);
 var webpackStatsJson = compilation.getStats().toJson();
 if (this.options.hash) {
    assets.manifest = self.appendHash(assets.manifest, webpackStatsJson.hash);
    assets.favicon = self.appendHash(assets.favicon, webpackStatsJson.hash);
HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.appendHash = function (url, hash) {
  if (!url) {
    return url;
  return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + hash;


HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.htmlWebpackPluginAssets = function (compilation, chunks) {
  var self = this;
  var webpackStatsJson = compilation.getStats().toJson();
  // Use the configured public path or build a relative path
  var publicPath = typeof compilation.options.output.publicPath !== 'undefined'
    // If a hard coded public path exists use it
    ? compilation.mainTemplate.getPublicPath({hash: webpackStatsJson.hash})
    // If no public path was set get a relative url path
    // 这个publicPath是可以使用hash的
    : path.relative(path.resolve(compilation.options.output.path, path.dirname(self.childCompilationOutputName)), compilation.options.output.path)
    //self.childCompilationOutputName得到的"index.html",dirname得到的是".",所以resolve结果为" C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\webpack-chunkfilename\builds"
    if (publicPath.length && publicPath.substr(-1, 1) !== '/') {
      publicPath += '/';

  var assets = {
    // The public path
    publicPath: publicPath,
    // Will contain all js & css files by chunk
    chunks: {},
    // Will contain all js files
    js: [],
    // Will contain all css files
    css: [],
    // Will contain the html5 appcache manifest files if it exists
    //这里是application cache文件,这里不是文件内容是文件的名称
    manifest: Object.keys(compilation.assets).filter(function (assetFile) {
      return path.extname(assetFile) === '.appcache';

  // Append a hash for cache busting(缓存清除)
  //hash: true | false if true then append a unique webpack compilation hash to all
  // included scripts and CSS files. This is useful for cache busting.
  if (this.options.hash) {
    assets.manifest = self.appendHash(assets.manifest, webpackStatsJson.hash);
    assets.favicon = self.appendHash(assets.favicon, webpackStatsJson.hash);
  for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
    var chunk = chunks[i];
    var chunkName = chunk.names[0];
    assets.chunks[chunkName] = {};
    // Prepend the public path to all chunk files
    var chunkFiles = [].concat(chunk.files).map(function (chunkFile) {
      return publicPath + chunkFile;

    // Append a hash for cache busting
    if (this.options.hash) {
      chunkFiles = chunkFiles.map(function (chunkFile) {
        return self.appendHash(chunkFile, webpackStatsJson.hash);

    // Webpack outputs an array for each chunk when using sourcemaps
    // But we need only the entry file
    var entry = chunkFiles[0];
    assets.chunks[chunkName].size = chunk.size;
    assets.chunks[chunkName].entry = entry;
    assets.chunks[chunkName].hash = chunk.hash;
    // Gather all css files
    var css = chunkFiles.filter(function (chunkFile) {
      // Some chunks may contain content hash in their names, for ex. 'main.css?1e7cac4e4d8b52fd5ccd2541146ef03f'.
      // We must proper handle such cases, so we use regexp testing here
      return /.css($|\?)/.test(chunkFile);
    assets.chunks[chunkName].css = css;
    assets.css = assets.css.concat(css);
  // Duplicate css assets can occur on occasion if more than one chunk
  // requires the same css.
  assets.css = _.uniq(assets.css);
  return assets;


  var entry = chunkFiles[0];
    assets.chunks[chunkName].size = chunk.size;
    assets.chunks[chunkName].entry = entry;
    assets.chunks[chunkName].hash = chunk.hash;




[ 'builds/vendor.bundle.js', 'builds/vendor.bundle.js.map' ]
[ 'builds/bundle.js', 'builds/bundle.js.map' ]



 // If this is a hot update compilation, move on!
 // This solves a problem where an `index.html` file is generated for hot-update js files
 // It only happens in Webpack 2, where hot updates are emitted separately before the full bundle
  if (self.isHotUpdateCompilation(assets)) {
      return callback();
    }  // If the template and the assets did not change we don't have to emit the html
    var assetJson = JSON.stringify(self.getAssetFiles(assets));
    //isCompilationCached = compilationResult.hash && self.childCompilerHash === compilationResult.hash;
   //如果上次child compiler产生的hash和本次产生的hash(本次再次编译了一遍html)一致表示html没有变化
    if (isCompilationCached && self.options.cache && assetJson === self.assetJson) {
      return callback();
    } else {
      self.assetJson = assetJson;

HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.isHotUpdateCompilation = function (assets) {
  return assets.js.length && assets.js.every(function (name) {
    return /\.hot-update\.js$/.test(name);
HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.getAssetFiles = function (assets) {
  var files = _.uniq(Object.keys(assets).filter(function (assetType) {
    return assetType !== 'chunks' && assets[assetType];
  }).reduce(function (files, assetType) {
    return files.concat(assets[assetType]);
  }, []));
  return files;



 * Pushes the content of the given filename to the compilation assets
HtmlWebpackPlugin.prototype.addFileToAssets = function (filename, compilation) {
  filename = path.resolve(compilation.compiler.context, filename);
  //处理一个 promise 的 map 集合。只有有一个失败,所有的执行都结束,也就是说我们必须要同时获取到这个文件的大小和内容本身
  return Promise.props({
    size: fs.statAsync(filename),
    source: fs.readFileAsync(filename)
  .catch(function () {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('HtmlWebpackPlugin: could not load file ' + filename));
  .then(function (results) {
    var basename = path.basename(filename);
     // Returns: 'quux.html'
    compilation.assets[basename] = {
      source: function () {
        return results.source;
      size: function () {
        return results.size.size;
        //size通过 fs.statAsync(filename)完成
    return basename;




compilation.assets[basename] = {
      source: function () {
        return results.source;
      size: function () {
        return results.size.size;
        //size通过 fs.statAsync(filename)完成
    return basename;


var Promise = require('bluebird');
Promise.promisifyAll(fs);//所有fs对象的方法都promisify了,所以才有fs.statAsync(filename), fs.readFileAsync(filename),通过这两个方法就可以获取到我们的compilation.assets需要的source和size

