

Crumb Template

This repo will help you start your own Crumb project. To find the Crumb source code, see https://github.com/liam-ilan/crumb.

Getting Started

The Crumb interpreter is built for POSIX compliant systems, and utilizes ioctl.h and unistd.h. To use Crumb on windows, either use WSL, or use a Linux container.

To get started with Crumb, create a new repository based off of this template, by clicking the green "Use this template" button at the top right corner.

Then clone your repository, and run

chmod +x build-crumb.sh && ./build-crumb.sh

Now you're all set! Just do

./crumb main.crumb

to run main.crumb.


See https://github.com/liam-ilan/crumb#basics.
