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What is Mithril.js?

A modern client-side JavaScript framework for building Single Page Applications. It's small (<!-- size -->9.14 KB<!-- /size --> gzipped), fast and provides routing and XHR utilities out of the box.

Mithril.js is used by companies like Vimeo and Nike, and open source platforms like Lichess 👍.

Mithril.js supports IE11, Firefox ESR, and the last two versions of Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Chrome. No polyfills required. 👌



<!-- Development: whichever you prefer -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mithril/mithril.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mithril/mithril.js"></script>

<!-- Production: whichever you prefer -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mithril/mithril.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mithril/mithril.min.js"></script>


npm install mithril --save

The "Getting started" guide is a good place to start learning how to use Mithril.js.

TypeScript type definitions are available from DefinitelyTyped. They can be installed with:

$ npm install @types/mithril --save-dev


Documentation lives on mithril.js.org.

You may be interested in the API Docs, a Simple Application, or perhaps some Examples.

Getting Help

Mithril.js has an active & welcoming community on Zulip, or feel free to ask questions on Stack Overflow using the mithril.js tag.


There's a Contributing FAQ on the Mithril.js site that hopefully helps, but if not definitely hop into the Zulip stream and ask away!

Thanks for reading!
