<img height="23" src=""/> Spherical Hough Transform
1. Introduction
This repository is the spherical Hough transform algorithm implemented in Windows, and you can also access the Linux version.
Spherical Hough space
Procedures of the spherical Hough transform
2. Requirements
- opencv-4.0.0
- opencv_contrib-4.0.0
The code is written and tested in Visual Studio 2019.
3. File Structure
|-- image: the folder containing image files
|-- include: the folder containing header files
|-- param: the folder containing parameter files
|-- src: the folder containing source files
|-- PropertySheet.props: opencv configure file for Release mode
|-- PropertySheetd.props: opencv configure file for Debug mode
File | Description |
SphericalCamera.h SphericalCamera.cpp | Realize the transformation of spherical image, fisheye image and 3D pointcloud |
pointcloud.h pointcloud.cpp | Implement a PointCloud class |
hough.h hough.cpp | Realize the spherical Hough transform, including HoughLinesProbabilistic and HoughLinesStandard functions |
main.cpp | A demo about how to carry out the spherical Hough transform |