

<img height="23" src="https://github.com/lh9171338/Outline/blob/master/icon.jpg"/> Magic Cube

1. Introduction

This repository is a Magic cube (Rubik's cube) game implemented by Matlab.

2. Usage

2.1 Parameters

The order of the Rubik's cube. Range of the value: [2, 9].

The block size of the Rubik's cube. Range of the value: Positive number.

Draw the Rubik's cube in 3D or 2D mode. Range of the value: True or false.

Times to disrupt the Rubik's cube during initialization. Range of the value: Positive integer number.

2.2 Keyboard Control

Rotate front -> up -> back -> bottom.

Rotate front -> bottom -> back -> up.

Rotate front -> left -> back -> right.

Rotate front -> right -> back -> left.

Rotate top -> left -> bottom -> right.

Rotate top -> right -> bottom -> left.

Rotate all rows or columns.

Rotate 1th row or column.


Rotate Nth row or column.

2.3 Run

Run MagicCube.m with Matlab.

3. Images
