

JSweet + JAX-RS / Jersey + Knockout JS example: rate your coffee shops [SERVER]

This project holds:

  1. a server for the JSweet Ionic client example using a JAX-RS (Jersey) web api
  2. an example of a web interface written in JSweet + Knockout


The following steps require administrator rights


Compile JSweet client code using

mvn clean generate-sources -P client 

JavaScript files are generated in src/main/webapp/js/app, and candies are generated in src/main/webapp/js/candies


Deploy on a glassfish server and browse context root. Persistence unit configuration is not mandatory since web api use mocks. It is just a template :)


On Glassfish server 4.1.1, some errors could occur on startup with Jersey 2 (see SO thread) In order to solve it, download latest EclipseLink and update glassfish/module/...moxy jar