Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The LFE Edition
This Gitbook (available here) is a work in progress, converting the MIT classic Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs to Lisp Flavored Erlang. We are forever indebted to Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, and Julie Sussman for their labor of love and intelligence. Needless to say, our gratitude also extends to the MIT press for their generosity in licensing this work as Creative Commons.
Building the Book
To build a local copy of the book, you'll need to have the mdbook
installed (a small executable written in Rust). If you don't have it installed
and attempt to build, you'll be presented with an error message that includes
a download link.
To rebuild the content:
$ make
To run a local instance of the book on port 3000
(which will reload if you
make any changes to the Markdown source):
$ make run
This is a huge project, and we can use your help! Got an idea? Found a bug? Let us know!.
Once you've got a ticket, make the desired changes to the Markdown source
(don't commit changes generated in the book
directory!), push to your fork +
branch, and then open a PR :-)