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A comprehensive LFE rebar3 plugin for all your LFE tooling needs

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This plugin originally started life as a shell script (lfetool -- there's even a T-shirt for it!), then it toyed with integrating with rebar (the original). Around that time, though, rebar3 was under initial development, and LFE took a chance on it as an early adopter. This lead to a whole series of LFE plugins, but after a few years momentum was lost.

Those early rebar3 efforts have been combined into a single plugin in this project, with many updates and using all the latest approaches developed in rebar3's now mature ecosystem.


More coming soon!


Add the plugin to your rebar.config (stable):

{plugins, [
    {rebar3_lfe, "0.4.10"}

Upgrading rebar3_lfe Globally

If you have installed the rebar3_lfe plugin to be available system wide, and you need to update it, the cleanest way to do this is following these steps:

  1. edit the rebar3_lfe entry in ~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config to point to the version you want to use
  2. delete the existing plugins with rm -rf ~/.cache/rebar3/plugins/*lfe*
  3. execute a command from the plugin (such as rebar3 lfe versions) to automatically download the newly configured version


Detailed usage is provided in the project documentation.