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<img alt="Lexical logo: Lexi the lynx" src="assets/lexi-logo.svg" width="150" height="200" align="right"/>


Lexical is a next-generation language server for the Elixir programming language.



What makes Lexical different?

There are a couple things that lexical does differently than other language servers. Let's look at what separates it from the pack.


When lexical starts, it boots an erlang virtual machine that runs the language server and its code. It then boots a separate virtual machine that runs your project code and connects the two via distribution. This provides the following benefits:

Ease of contribution

Lexical has been designed to be easy to contribute to and work on. It features:

Focus on developer productivity

Lexical is also built with an eye on increasing developer productivity, and approaches some common features a little bit differently. For example, Lexical's code completion is context aware, which means that if you type alias MyModule.| you will only receive completions for modules and not the names of functions in MyModule. This awareness will extend to other areas, which means:

Because of this focus, Lexical aims to deliver depth of features rather than breadth of them. We'll likely spend more time making sure each thing we add works and feels just right rather than adding a whole slew of features that people mostly won't use.

As you type compilation

Because your project is run in a separate virtual machine, we can compile the code that you're working on as you type. This means you see errors immediately rather than having to wait for a save. The result is you see and fix typos, warnings, unused variables and a whole host of errors when they occur, which makes your code better, faster.


Follow the Detailed Installation Instructions

mix package

Lexical will now be available in _build/dev/package/lexical

If you would like to change the output directory, you can do so with the --path option

mix package --path /path/to/lexical

Lexical will be available in /path/to/lexical.


Lexical is intended to run on any version of Erlang 24+ and Elixir 1.13+. Before beginning development, you should install Erlang and Elixir 1.13.4 and use those versions when you're building code.

You should also look at the complete compatibility matrix do see which versions are supported.

You're going to need a local instance in order to develop lexical, so follow the Detailed Installation Instructions first.

Then, install the git hooks with

mix hooks

These are pre-commit hooks that will check for correct formatting and run credo for you.

After this, you're ready to put together a pull request for Lexical!


The remote_control project has a set of benchmarks that measure the speed of various internal functions and data structures. In order to use them, you first need to install git large file storage, and then run git pull. Benchmarks are stored in the benchmarks subdirectory, and can be run via

mix benchmark /benchmarks/<benchmark_file>.exs


When lexical starts up, it creates a .lexical directory in the root directory of a project. Inside that directory are two log files, lexical.log and project.log. The .lexical.log log file contains logging and OTP messages from the language server, while the project.log file contains logging and OTP messages from the project's node. While developing lexical, it's helpful to open up a terminal and tail both of these log files so you can see any errors and messages that lexical emits. To do that, run the following in a terminal while in the project's root directory:

tail -f .lexical/*.log

Note: These log files roll over when they reach 1 megabyte, so after a time, it will be necessary to re-run the above command.


Lexical supports a debug shell, which will connect a remote shell to a currently-running language server process. To use it, cd into your lexical installation directory and run

./bin/debug_shell.sh <name of project>

For example, if I would like to run the debug server for a server running in your lexical project, run:

./bin/debug_shell.sh lexical

...and you will be connected to a remote IEx session inside my language server. This allows you to investigate processes, make changes to the running code, or run :observer.

While in the debugging shell, all the functions in Lexical.Server.IEx.Helpers are imported for you, and some common modules, like Lexical.Project and Lexical.Document are aliased.

You can also start the lexical server in interactive mode via ./bin/start_lexical.sh iex. Combining this with the helpers that are imported will allow you to run projects and do completions entirely in the shell.

Note: The helpers assume that all of your projects are in folders that are siblings with your lexical project.

Consider the example shell session:

./bin/start_lexical.sh iex
iex(1)> start_project :other
# the project in the ../other directory is started
# the other project is compiled
iex(2)> complete :other, "defmo|"
    detail: "",
    insert_text: "defmacro ${1:name}($2) do\n  $0\nend\n",
    insert_text_format: :snippet,
    kind: :class,
    label: "defmacro (Define a macro)",
    sort_text: "093_defmacro (Define a macro)"
    detail: "",
    insert_text: "defmacrop ${1:name}($2) do\n  $0\nend\n",
    insert_text_format: :snippet,
    kind: :class,
    label: "defmacrop (Define a private macro)",
    sort_text: "094_defmacrop (Define a private macro)"
    detail: "",
    insert_text: "defmodule ${1:module name} do\n  $0\nend\n",
    insert_text_format: :snippet,
    kind: :class,
    label: "defmodule (Define a module)",
    sort_text: "092_defmodule (Define a module)"

The same kind of support is available when you run iex -S mix in the lexical directory, and is helpful for narrowing down issues without disturbing your editor flow.

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