

Please Note that User Fields got brought into the core ACF in version 4

=== Advanced Custom Fields - Users Multi-Select Field add-on ===

Contributors: by @lewismcarey (@forepoint) update nicename to displayname - jeradin translation issue resolved - eonlova Tags: acf, acf add-on, users, custom field, user field Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 0.0

=== Summary ===

=== Description ===

This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields Wordpress plugin that allows you to add a User field type.

The user field provides the ability to select from a list of your WordPress users, which can be filtered by role. Similar to the post_object type you can allow to be null or select single or multiple values. The user data stored is an array consisting of the user ID, first name, last name, nice name, display name. email, url, date registered and description.

=== Installation ===


if(function_exists('register_field')) { // wrap your register field functions in this to prevent your site breaking on an update to the ACF plugin via @shaunbent register_field(‘Users_field', dirname(File) . '/your-ACF-sub-directory/users_field.php'); }

=== Data Returned ===

=== Issues ===

Report any issues or feature requests https://github.com/lewismcarey/User-Field-ACF-Add-on/issues