

<p align="left"> <img src="logo.png" alt="" width="600"/> </p>

Getting Started

As Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data becomes increasingly popular, the ability to process these large datasets for time-series analysis is important. InSARFlow utilizes mpi4py for parallel processing of SAR interferograms and time-series analysis based on ISCE and GIAnT models.

InSARFlow has the following features:


The following packages are required for running InSARFlow:


Download and extract the code (name it InSARFlow) to your home folder. Add the following to your .bashrc file:

export PATH=$PATH:/home/USERNAME/InSARFlow/scripts

I setup ISCE and GIAnT in 2 separate environments. For ISCE and GIAnT to recognize InSARFlow, add InSARFlow/scripts folder to the PYTHONPATH of each environment

export InSARFlow_HOME=/home/USERNAME/InSARFlow
export PYTHONPATH=$ISCE_ROOT:$ISCE_HOME/applications:$ISCE_HOME/component:$InSARFlow_HOME/scripts
export InSARFlow_HOME=/home/USERNAME/InSARFlow
chmod +x /home/USERNAME/InSARFlow/scripts/*

Note: User needs to open an account (free) on ASF to download SAR data. Also, follow the instruction here for automatic DEM download from https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/

Try your first InSARFlow

1. Create a csv file from ASF

Sentinel-1 and ALOS data can be accessed from ASF.

2. Processing interferograms

To run ISCE, you must set the parameters: RunScript = True in the [ISCE] group

source ~/.ISCE_CONFIG   # Activate ISCE conda env
cd /home/USERNAME/InSARFlow/examples/MekongDelta
InSARFlow.py -c Mekong_SEN1A.cfg

3. Time-series analysis

To run GIAnT, set RunScript = False in the [ISCE] group and RunGIAnT = True in the [GIANT] group. Note that GIAnT must be run after ISCE is completed.

source ~/.GIAnT         # Activate GIANT conda env
cd /home/USERNAME/InSARFlow/examples/MekongDelta
InSARFlow.py -c Mekong_SEN1A.cfg

For large-scale processing, the storage may reach 100s GB or > 1TB, so move the example folder to disks that have enough free space. The example folder is not neccessary to be in the InSARFlow directory


See LICENSE file for more information.


Big thanks to the following people for contributing to this project in myriad ways:
