

A Pytorch Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need

Our implementation is largely based on Tensorflow implementation


Why This Project?

I'm a freshman of pytorch. So I tried to implement some projects by pytorch. Recently, I read the paper Attention is all you need and impressed by the idea. So that's it. I got similar result compared with the original tensorflow implementation.

Differences with the original paper

I don't intend to replicate the paper exactly. Rather, I aim to implement the main ideas in the paper and verify them in a SIMPLE and QUICK way. In this respect, some parts in my code are different than those in the paper. Among them are

File description


wget -qO- https://wit3.fbk.eu/archive/2016-01//texts/de/en/de-en.tgz | tar xz; mv de-en corpora
tensorboard --logdir runs



I got a BLEU score of 16.7.(tensorflow implementation 17.14) (Recollect I trained with a small dataset, limited vocabulary) Some of the evaluation results are as follows. Details are available in the results folder.

source: Ich bin nicht sicher was ich antworten soll<br> expected: I'm not really sure about the answer<br> got: I'm not sure what I'm going to answer

source: Was macht den Unterschied aus<br> expected: What makes his story different<br> got: What makes a difference

source: Vielen Dank<br> expected: Thank you<br> got: Thank you

source: Das ist ein Baum<br> expected: This is a tree<br> got: So this is a tree