An idiomatic Clojure Redis client wrapping the Java client Lettuce.
to include all modules.
Or pick up only the ones you need:
celtuce-core: Main module with all the core functionalities (required)
celtuce-pool: Provides pooling for connections
celtuce-manifold: Implementation of asynchronous commands based on Manifold
Redis Connectors
Connectors are available for both Redis Server
and Cluster
They are defined in celtuce.connector
namespace of celtuce-core
(require '[celtuce.connector :as conn])
(conn/redis-server "redis://localhost:6379")
(conn/redis-cluster "redis://localhost:30001")
Redis URI synthax details can be found in Lettuce Wiki.
Serialization defaults to Nippy, but other serializers are available in celtuce.codec
Especially Lettuce original String
serializer can be used as follows:
:codec (celtuce.codec/utf8-string-codec))
Other connector options:
a map of connection options:timeout
timeout for executing commands:unit
in keyword (i.e.:milliseconds
, etc):auto-flush
automatically flush commands on the underlying Netty connection
: a map of client options- Client-options available in Lettuce, with their names keywordized
Note that you can find options default values in the tests.
Redis Commands
All Redis commands are implemented using protocols in celtuce.commands
namespace of celtuce-core
(require '[celtuce.commands :as redis])
Sync Commands
(def connector (conn/redis-server "redis://localhost:6379"))
(def cmds (conn/commands-sync connector))
(redis/set cmds :foo "bar")
(redis/get cmds :foo)
(conn/shutdown connector)
PubSub Commands
Redis prevents publishing and subscribing on the same connection. The following contrive example demonstrates pubsub usage with two connections.
;; note that conn/as-pubsub also works on cluster connectors
(def conn-pub (conn/as-pubsub (conn/redis-server "redis://localhost:6379")))
(def conn-sub (conn/as-pubsub (conn/redis-server "redis://localhost:6379")))
(def pub (conn/commands-sync conn-pub))
(def sub (conn/commands-sync conn-sub))
(reify redis/PubSubListener
(message [_ channel message]
(println "received message" message "from channel" channel))
(message [_ pattern channel message])
(subscribed [_ channel count]
(println "new subscriber !"))
(unsubscribed [_ channel count]
(println "a subscriber left..."))
(psubscribed [_ pattern count])
(punsubscribed [_ pattern count])))
(redis/subscribe sub "foo-chan")
(redis/publish pub "foo-chan" "bar-msg")
(redis/unsubscribe sub "foo-chan")
(conn/shutdown conn-pub)
(conn/shutdown conn-sub)
Dynamic Commands
Starting from Lettuce 5 it is now possible to define commands dynamically by extending a Commands
Such commands are obtained as follows.
(conn/commands-dynamic connector some.interface.extending.Commands)
You can find basic examples in the tests.
To run unit tests you need to have both a redis server running on a localhost:6379
and a redis cluster running on localhost:30001
Then build artifacts and run tests:
(cd modules/celtuce-core/; lein do clean, install)
(cd modules/celtuce-pool/; lein do clean, install)
(cd modules/celtuce-manifold/; lein do clean, install)
lein test