

    Author: Leon Teale
    Twitter: @leonteale
    Website: cyberwolf-security.co.uk
<h2>A package of Pentest tools and scripts I have made or commonly use</h2>


-I, --ingress | Run ingress testing TO the CDE. Ensure you are connecting to a NON-CDE before running.
-E, --egress  | Run egress testing FROM the CDE. Ensure you are connected to the CDE before running.
-P, --icmp    | ICMP scan on a list of IP addresses [filename]
-F, --fast    | Quick scan using masscan on a list of IP addresses [filename] (all tcp ports)
-h, --help    | This help and exit

Example usage:
./segmentation.sh --icmp    iplist.txt
./segmentation.sh --ingress [networkname] iplist.txt
./segmentation.sh --egress  [networkname] iplist.txt
./segmentation.sh --fast    iplist.txt
-a, --attack  | Enable attack mode to run predefined attacks on detected services.

Available Attack Modules:
- screenshotter (using the -a or --attack option activates this)

Example usage:
python3 suggester.py services.csv
python3 suggester.py -a nmap-scan.xml