

<p align="center"> <img src="./docs/img/logo.png" alt="drawing" width="70%"/> </p>

An experimental Python library for graph-based processing, designed for flow-based/node-based visual scripting editors. It is the backbone of the Ryven project, but it can very much be used in other contexts as well.

While ryvencore is written purely in Python, it is very lightweight and highly compatible. It can be compiled with Cython, see the setup_cython.py file. The performance seems comparable so far, but the code hasn't been optimized for Cython yet, so there might be a lot of potential. Please consider contributing. ryvencore also seems compatible with most Python ports to WebAssembly, even the Cython compiled ryvencore.


pip install ryvencore

or from sources:

git clone https://github.com/leon-thomm/ryvencore
cd ryvencore
pip install .


As an experimental library, the API is not fully stable and small breaking changes over time should be expected. Generally, the API is defined by what is included in the docs.


loading a project e.g. exported from Ryven

import ryvencore as rc
import json
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # project file path
    fpath = sys.args[1]

    # read project file
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
        project: dict = json.loads(f.read())

    # run ryvencore
    session = rc.Session()

    # access the first flow
    f = session.flows[0]
    # and the last node that was created
    my_node = f.nodes[-1]

    # and execute it


The main features include


ryvencore is licensed under the LGPL License.